We all like to think that we’d naturally find ourselves working for a company that cares about our ambitions, creativity, and job satisfaction, but the sad reality is that this isn’t always the case. And unfortunately, if you haven’t yet experienced what working for a good company feels like, then you might inadvertently find yourself working for a bad company, and not even realise it. The good news is that these companies always give themselves away, sooner or later. You just need to know what you’re looking for, and you’ll know when it’s time to look for new work.
Source: Pexels.com
The Atmosphere Is Bad
Take a look around at your other colleagues: do they seem happy with their work? Disregard the people who have just turned up, as they likely don’t yet know the truth of the company. If the people who have been there for six months or more look utterly fed up with their job, and are living without hope that things will get better, then you might be working for a dud company. Also, if there is no-one there that’s been working for the company for more than a few months, that might be a sign people are jumping ship for a reason.
They’re Lax About The Important Things
Companies have a lot of responsibilities, both to the wider public and to you, an employee. The question is, are they meeting all of these responsibilities? If they’ve evasive when it comes to things like worker rights, or, if you work in a factory or otherwise hazardous area, about industrial safety gear, then they’re probably putting their profits before your wellbeing. A business should be first and foremost concerned with ensuring that their workers are safe and happy; if they’re not, then it’s not a place you’ll want to be for very long.
Secretive About the Future
Now, there are some things that a company can’t let everybody in the organisation know about, but, generally, there should be a healthy flow of information coming your way. If you’re finding that your boss is forever evasive about what’s coming up ahead, or aren’t willing to commit to any plans one way or other, then it likely means that they’re not as concerned about your future as they should be.
Lack Of Investment
Times can’t always be healthy. Every organisation experiences moments when they need to tighten their belts and so on. But if your company is repeatedly refusing to invest in the essential things you need to do your job correctly, and are always asking for you to do more and more, then it might mean that they’re taking advantage of you.
The Customer Tells You
If you’re talking with a customer, and they’re telling you how bad your company is, then it’s worth listening. If you find yourself agreeing with what they’re saying, then there’s no doubt that your business isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Begin to look for new work, and find a job with a company you can believe in.