Never interview like Will Ferrell in Step Brothers…

by Rich DeMatteo on July 16, 2009 · 3 comments

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While certainly hilarious, this short clip from Step Brothers teaches us exactly how not to interview.  Below you’ll find the link to quite arguably the funniest scene in Step Brothers.  Watch as Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly tag team the interview, then come back for my take:

What have we learned:

  1. The interview is not the most important day of your life like they say in the clip.  Don’t put that stress on yourself.  If it doesn’t work out, you’ll find yourself on another interview before you know it!
  2. Never wear a tuxedo to an interview.  Hilarious, but some organizational cultures will even allow a candidate to wear jeans to an interview.
  3. Bring a fresh copy of your resume, however, leave your best friend at home.
  4. Not understanding a name is common, if that happens just move away from the topic all together.  Oh, and who knew there was no D at the end of Pam?
  5. Never, absolutely never tell your interviewer to shut their mouth.  You saw what happened.
  6. Most times candidates receive a few parting gifts after their interview, usually a pen or folder.  Asking for a souvenir will only bring you a rejection letter in the mail.


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