Almost 10 months ago, Jessica Miller-Merell and I began Co-Moderating #JobHuntChat. The lively community of Job Seekers, Resume Writers, Recruiters, HR Pro’s, and Career Coach’s make it easy for Jessica (@blogging4jobs) and I to put on the party each Monday night. Simply put, without the community, #JobHuntChat would be nothing.
What is #MegaJobHuntChat?
While #JobHuntChat has reached historic numbers recently (300 chat participants and 2,000 Tweets), Jessica and I felt there could be a new way to bring the job search community together on Twitter. We met up in Philadelphia a few weeks ago to strategize #JobHuntChat, and the result of our meeting was #MegaJobHuntChat.
#MegaJobHuntChat is what it sounds like – A Career Chat on Steroids. It’s planned to be a quarterly event on Twitter, with the first event scheduled to be 8-10PM Eastern Time on Monday 12/6 (this coming Monday).
There will be 6 Career Chats participating in the event, each given 20 minutes to discuss 2 questions. That’s a total of 12 questions over 2 hours!
Chat Lineup & Question Schedule
OK, so as I mentioned, there will be 6 chats, each with 20 minutes to discuss 2 questions. Here are those chat’s and the questions they’ve selected!
*All times are Eastern Time
* Check below the schedule for more information on each chat
8:00 – 8:10 – #JobHuntChat
Q1 – Introduction Question
8:10 – 8:30 – #CareerChat
Q2 – What is the most difficult part of networking? #CareerChat #MegaJobHuntChat
Q3- How do you maximize your opportunity at a holiday party? #CareerChat #MegaJobHuntChat
8:30 – 8:50 – #u30pro
Q4 – Generational Job Search TBD
Q5 – Generational Job Search TBD
8:50 – 9:10 – #InternChat
Q6 – When shld I stop accepting internships & only look 4 entrylevel jobs? (how many internships R 2 many?) #InternChat #MegaJobHuntChat
Q7 – What’s better: a relevant unpaid internship or an unrelated paid position? #InternChat #MegaJobHuntChat
9:10 – 9:30 – #HFChat
Q8 – Are you meeting your social meeting contacts in real life (IRL)? Why or why not? #HFChat #MegaJobHuntChat
Q9 – How are you leveraging those contacts to move your search forward? #HFChat #MegaJobHuntChat
9:30 – 9:50 – #GenYChat
Q10 – How should a job seeker divide their time between online networking and responding to ads? #GenYChat #MegaJobHuntChat
Q11 – Which job would you take? The one that’s a good fit or the one that offers more money? #GenYChat #MegaJobHuntChat
9:50 – 10:00 – #JobHuntChat
Q12 – Share a horror story or weird/funny thing that has happened on interviews to you! #JobHuntChat #MegaJobHuntChat
Here is more on each of the chat’s (thanks to Jessica for writing this up)
- #CareerChat. @MyPath_MP and @Bizmebizgal host and moderator the popular hour long Career Chat on Tuesday at 12 PM EST.
- #u30pro. Described as a chat for ALL ages and professionals that focuses issues surrounding professionals under 30. Check them out Thurs. 8 pm EST. Hosted by @DavidSpinks@cubanalaf and @sjhalestorm.
- #InternChat. @heatherhuhman, @internqueen, and the Come Recommended community will be joining us. Their chat is Tuesday evenings from 7-8 PM EST.
- #HFChat. Margo, @avidcareerist, @tombolt, and the Hire Friday community are know for their Hire Friday Chat and networking community. HF Chat takes place Fridays from 12-1 PM.
- #GenYChat. Moderated by @WriterChanelle and @rblake, this hour long chat is facilitated on Wednesdays at 9 PM EST
#JobHuntChat will host, and then give each chat 20 minutes to moderate their 2 questions. We are so excited for this event, and are looking forward to seeing everyone come out for the largest Job Search related event to come to Twitter, #MegaJobHuntChat!