Rich DeMatteo

The 3 People You’re Competing Against as a Job Seeker

Pixabay – CCO Licence If you want to ace that next big interview, you need to know about the kind of competition you’ll be up against. That way, you can work out how to beat them and be the person who gets to sign that contract… The Super-Powered Preparer There’s always at least one candidate […]

March 12, 2020 READ MORE →

How to Quickly Adapt your Resume When Applying for More Jobs

Source-Pixabay Over 50% of American employees claim to be actively looking for a new job? Finding and landing a great job is a very complicated process. Most job openings attract hundreds of applicants, which is why you have to find a way to rise above the competition. Having a well-crafted resume is one of the […]

March 4, 2020 READ MORE →

Seven Reasons You Should Volunteer

One of the hardest things that anyone can write for themselves is a resume. Having to detail your own achievements is challenging; primarily if you were taught to be humble and not brag about your abilities and successes. The thing is, a resume is your chance to do that without it being rude! You can […]

March 3, 2020 1 comment READ MORE →

Don’t Let Your Teaching Career Trip Over Trial Lessons

So, you’ve decided that teaching is the career for you. Congratulations! What could be better than spreading your knowledge to the next generation? There’s just one setback – you’ve got to get through God knows how many trial lessons before you can secure your dream teaching gig. That’s not an easy task, but it certainly […]

March 3, 2020 READ MORE →

5 Big Mistakes That College Students Need To Avoid

A college degree can help you get ahead in your career and there are a lot of career paths that you cannot follow unless you have one. That’s why going to college is so beneficial, no matter how old you are. However, college is incredibly expensive and the cost is increasing, so it is a […]

March 2, 2020 READ MORE →

Best Logo Branded Tote Bags for Promotional Events

Tote bags are perfect for use in promote business in events such as trade fairs, business conferences, anniversaries, celebrations, and many others. The beauty of the bags is that they are relevant since everyone needs a bag at some point to carry things as well as being cost-effective and stylish. They are also easy to […]

February 25, 2020 READ MORE →

Key Steps to Secure a Job Position in Singapore – Singapore Expats Guide

If you have been looking for a job, then you know how challenging the task is. Things get even more difficult if you move to a different country. You have to find a job, get a work visa, and deal with lots of paperwork. If you are looking for employment in a different country, then […]

February 21, 2020 READ MORE →

Key Benefits To Keep In Mind When Looking For Work Out Of State

2020 kicked off with over 7 million job openings across America. For the current job seekers, this came as welcome news. Estimates put job openings at 1.4 million more than the number of unemployed job seekers. This does not mean that the job hunt market is not a competitive one, however. Around 70 percent of those […]

February 18, 2020 READ MORE →

3 Ways You Can Train to Become an Accountant

Every state in the U.S. has endless job opportunities available for accountants. Every business, non-profit agency, and the taxpayer has some use for the services accountants provide. The career field offers flexibility as people can work at home, at an accounting service, or serve as an accountant for a corporation. Training also varies based on […]

February 18, 2020 READ MORE →

12 Apps For Career Development

Pexels Setting yourself career goals is essential to pursue the future that you desire. Once you know where you are going, it’s all the easier to plan how you are going to get there. Perhaps you’d like to network more to establish valuable contacts? Or maybe pursue a learning course within your industry? You might […]

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February 17, 2020 READ MORE →