Rich DeMatteo

4 Good Reasons to Reject a Job Offer

It can be easy for young professionals to forget that landing a job is a two-way street. After all, pros spend so much time researching a business, preparing their resumes, rehearsing for interviews, and –– in general –– doing everything they can to impress a new employer that they may forget about their own needs […]

December 9, 2019 READ MORE →

How to Give the Perfect Interview

Every step of applying for a job is crucial, but the part that can make or break your application is the interview. Many a promising candidate has been rejected for a position due to a poor first impression during the interview portion. Conversely, many a middling resume has been improved upon by self-possession and confidence. […]

November 22, 2019 READ MORE →

Find Your Next Job With These 4 Steps

Image Credit: Pexels, Free to Use Licence.  At times finding a new job can feel like a bit of a lottery and many people stay years in jobs they aren’t happy with simply because they don’t want to undertake the job-hunting process. But finding your next position needn’t be stressful and by following these simple […]

November 20, 2019 READ MORE →

Six Ways to Nail a Job Interview

There’s no doubt that going to a job interview is intimidating. It makes us nervous and lost on what to do. You might ask a few friends what they do, but it still comes down to getting the right information. It’s confusing on what to wear, how to behave, and what you should study. Going […]

November 19, 2019 READ MORE →

Improving your chances of employment after school

For every job that is advertised, the employer will have a specific person in mind. They will have considered what the chosen employee will bring to the role and workplace, which qualities the chosen employee will have and even which qualifications they will hold. Continue reading for our top tips on how to improve your […]

November 11, 2019 READ MORE →

How to Make Yourself More Hirable in 5 Easy Steps

The best way to start a job hunt is with total security. By preparing yourself for a new position while you are still working, you have the ability to be more objective about what new skills you need and what position you apply for. In terms of finding your dream position, there is no better […]

October 25, 2019 READ MORE →

3 Ways To Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands

While some people out there are blessed with knowing exactly want they want to do with their lives, this is certainly not the case for everybody. In fact, most people nowadays do not settle on a career choice until they hit their thirties. While some people think that age is a determining factor in a […]

October 16, 2019 READ MORE →

Finding A Skill Which No One Else Has

(Image Credit) Job security can often feel too good to be true in the modern world. A lot of people struggle to achieve this in their working lives, finding it hard to know what needs to be done when they are trying to keep themselves from losing their job. Some jobs offer more than others, […]

October 15, 2019 READ MORE →

8 Careers Forecast to Be in High Demand from 2020 Onward

If there is one thing which can be said about today’s workforce, it would be that all jobs are becoming highly specialized. A great part of that is due to the rapid advances in technology. If you are planning your future and aren’t quite sure which field to enter, it might help to take a […]

October 8, 2019 READ MORE →

Cop career timeline

Command structures are a vital part of efficient and effective policing: the glue that holds everything together. There’s never been a more important time for good officers to make it up through the ranks, gain extensive knowledge of the force and lead a change in policing culture. Study It’s no secret that the US Police […]

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October 8, 2019 READ MORE →