Rich DeMatteo

What Skills Should You Graduate With?

When it comes to picking a college major in college, or a master’s to study, you’ll want to make sure that it’s the right one. And most importantly of all, you’ll want to be sure that you can gain the necessary skills to land the career of your dreams. But what do you need? Specialist […]

July 7, 2019 READ MORE →

The Trends For Recruiting Process That Will be Popular in 2020

  (via: A business is full of important areas, but recruiting has to sit at or near the top of the list. Having a strong recruitment process is important to having a healthy and successful company. It will ensure you get the best candidates possible, and find people who fit your culture well.  However, […]

July 2, 2019 READ MORE →

Low-Cost Tuition: 7 Brick and Mortar Colleges to Apply For Today

Most people today are always looking for a way to save money, and that includes finding ways to get an education without coming out of a four-year university with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. While it’s not the norm to find an affordable school that doesn’t solely focus on online learning, there are […]

June 23, 2019 READ MORE →

Did You Know? Seemingly Little Things That Can Affect Your Instagram Posts

Whether you’re using Instagram to build your brand, run your business, or earn some extra cash as an influencer, you’re always looking for ways you can improve your posts and get more engagement. As a business or influencer, engagement is the key to success. If you’re trying to get better results on your posts, there […]

June 17, 2019 READ MORE →

Highly-Employable Skills To Help You Stand Out

Career development is something that is a never-ending thing. We all know how it goes, and none of it starts with just landing the job of your dreams, and then boom, you’re all done. From one thing to another, the opportunities that you will have will help you to grow, and there are certain skills […]

May 23, 2019 READ MORE →

Jobs That Suit Those Seeking Progression!

Seeking out progression within your career is just so important in our eyes. Progression means that you’re not always going to be the one at the bottom of what you do, getting put with all the jobs that you don’t really want to do. But if you’re not seeking progression in any way, then you […]

May 20, 2019 READ MORE →

6 Steps to Sell Your Business For Maximum Value

As you may be aware, selling your business can be a difficult undertaking. Despite which type of business you are looking to sell, the fundamental steps that can bring maximum value remain the same. In this article, we will cover navigating each to make the most of your time and give you the largest profit […]

May 2, 2019 READ MORE →

8 Ways To Develop A High-Performing Team

In a world that demands as much as this one does, it’s imperative to have high-performing teams, or as I like to call them – super teams. Now the question is how exactly do you get your team to reach that level of performance? Well, you could try to hire some superheroes, but I doubt […]

April 4, 2019 READ MORE →

What to Expect From a Video Interview

Photo Source: Shutterstock What Should you Expect From a Video Interview?   Video interviewing software is becoming more popular among recruiters, which means job seekers will start encountering it more often. This can be a scary prospect, especially for those who have never performed a video interview before. There’s no need to be fearful, though, […]

April 1, 2019 READ MORE →

3 Reasons to use Essaybot to Write Your Research Paper

Do you know when you’re sitting down and writing your research paper but the words aren’t coming out easily?  This is when you need Essaybot to help with your research paper. Stop struggling with your research papers and spend less time worrying. Don’t spend hours sitting still and writing with writer’s block anymore. Essaybot is your personal […]

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April 1, 2019 READ MORE →