Rich DeMatteo

10 Things Every Illustrator Should Know About Getting Paid Work

If you have the skills, you can make a living as an illustrator. It isn’t going to all be sunshine and daisies, but you can more than scratch out a living. Know that in today’s global society, there are a lot of other illustrators out there. Some are going to have master’s degrees and others […]

October 10, 2018 READ MORE →

Life Coaching is becoming more popular with employees – this is why

  Life coaching is becoming increasingly popular amongst today’s professionals, and as a result, more businesses are choosing to offer this as a perk in their workplace. This might be through offering coaching courses such as NCC Home Learning life coaching courses, or hiring a coach to come in and work with their employees. Either […]

September 20, 2018 READ MORE →

5 Tips For Getting The Career You Want

Is there a career that you have been dreaming of having since you were in high school? Your dream career is something which you will always think about, especially if you never manage to get it. Getting the career that you want does not have to be impossible, so we have put together some tips […]

September 14, 2018 READ MORE →

Why Investing in Your Company’s Health Programs is More Important Than Ever

The old adage that says “health is wealth” has not rung truer than it does today. With the rising costs of healthcare, employees are more and more enticed to apply to a company that provides them with excellent healthcare benefits. However, health insurance and wellness programs in the workplace do not only benefit the employees […]

August 28, 2018 READ MORE →

How to be a Professional Photographer

We think of the professional photographer in one of two guises – either working for a newspaper or offering portrait work from their own studio. But there are many more strands to the work of a professional photographer. If this is a career that attracts you, what it is that you need to know? It […]

August 28, 2018 READ MORE →

Don’t Be Too Quick To Retire

In the US the full retirement age is 66 years old, yet the Economist reports that almost 40% of American men aged 65-69 are working compared to 25% in the 1980s. There are a number of reasons why individuals are working for longer. The mortality rate has decreased, people are having children later and working longer may […]

August 21, 2018 READ MORE →

4 Popular Federal Student Loan Programs

The federal student loan programs were created to help a particular group of students meet their needs while in college. However, the programs differ; some are more popular than others. Therefore, understanding the differences between the loan programs is important in helping you plan your college costs effectively. The federal student loans are usually much […]

August 21, 2018 READ MORE →

Giving A Damn: Career Changing Options For People Who Care

Many of us have got it wrong. So very wrong. It’s not our fault. It’s in the way we were raised, the way our education system reared us and the priorities of the society we inhabit. We’ve all been raised from childhood to chase one thing… The Almighty Dollar. We’re not just conditioned but encouraged […]

August 21, 2018 READ MORE →

How to Write an Essay?

If you have been struggling with writing an essay, then this article will give you the most essential elements of good essay writing. These elements include reading, analyzing argument, summarizing the main arguments, and providing a clear summary of your conclusions. Good essay typer would help you. Read and Summarize the Main Points and Arguments […]

August 16, 2018 READ MORE →

Could Creating Multiple Income Streams Be Your Ultimate Career?

Finding a career that you love, that really resonates with you can be a difficult task. Most people spend their lives flitting from career to career trying to find one that they want to stick with. There’s nothing wrong with this – you need to be happy at fulfilled at work. You spend a lot […]

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August 16, 2018 READ MORE →