Rich DeMatteo

Workers Must Watch Out For These Types Of Wage Theft

Wage theft is a new hot topic sweeping across the United States. The issue picked up even more steam when Donald Trump repealed wage theft protections in March of 2017. Working professionals, in particular, are rightly concerned with the prevalence of wage theft among businesses in America. Many worry that they may be a victim […]

December 22, 2017 READ MORE →

Changing Career? 7 Ways To Make The Right Change First Time

As we end one year and begin another, our minds can often be a whirlwind of possibilities and changes we want to make. Many of us focus on self-improvement and it can either go one of two ways. We either make promises and resolutions in the full knowledge it is what we want to do, […]

December 21, 2017 READ MORE →

The 5 Largest Banks in the United States

When choosing a bank, it isn’t always in your best interest to choose from the largest banks in the United States for a number of reasons. The one thing you ‘may’ find lacking when a bank gets that big is a definite lack of the very same customer service that carried them to the top. […]

December 20, 2017 READ MORE →

Effective Ways to Make Yourself More Employable

While the unemployment rate is steadily improving, you may want to change career, get a promotion, or get your dream job. So while there may be a larger pool of jobs, there is still a fairly large number of job seekers for each position. So in order to be in with more of a chance […]

December 19, 2017 1 comment READ MORE →

How to Start Your Own Construction Business

As you already know, the construction business is seriously on the rise once again. Since we are overcoming some of the negative pitfalls created by the housing market crash, construction projects will once again boom. Are you ready to get in on the action? In recent years, the residential building construction industry is considered one […]

December 17, 2017 READ MORE →

Make Today’s Job Market Work For You

Today, Jack Ma is the billionaire founder of AliBaba, but even he knows what it feels like to be rejected: “There’s an examination for young people to go to university. I failed it three times. I failed a lot. So I applied to 30 different jobs and got rejected. I went for a job with […]

December 17, 2017 READ MORE →

RGU says now is the time to consider an MBA in Oil and Gas Management

MBA Director at Robert Gordon University (RGU) Dr. Ian Broadbent firmly believes the crucial time for oil and gas professionals to explore MBA options is when the market remains uncertain. Dr. Broadbent considers that the challenges that the industry faces in the 21st century will see the requirements for new jobs become even more stringent, […]

December 14, 2017 READ MORE →

3 Rewarding Career Paths Worth Embarking On

The difference between a job and a career is the fact that you have wanted to do it for years. It is more than a position, it’s a vocation. When you love what you do, your vocation is your occupation and your career doesn’t seem like it is work because it feels like you’re on […]

December 14, 2017 1 comment READ MORE →

Examining the Differences Between an RN and a BSN

Have you been looking at a career change? Maybe you’ve been in the same career for years and it’s just not inspiring you any longer. Then again perhaps you are looking to start in your very first career and want something that is challenging and extremely rewarding. The healthcare industry is one that is on […]

December 6, 2017 READ MORE →

Take A Chance, Make A Change: Your Guide To A New Career

Taking a leap of faith and completely changing your career can be an incredibly nerve wracking thing to do. How can you be sure that this change is going to pay off? How will you manage to get out of your comfort zone enough to make the changes needed and just do it? The idea […]

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December 5, 2017 READ MORE →