Rich DeMatteo

5 Signs a Company is Good to Work For, and 3 Signs They’re Not

Landing the office job of your dreams starts with finding the right company to work for. When you find the perfect employer it’s like finding a spouse. The relationship is mutually beneficial, enjoyable and you can grow together. But finding a highly compatible company isn’t always easy. On paper, a company may seem like the […]

October 13, 2017 READ MORE →

How to Screen an Applicant via Social Media

Working in the HR department can sometimes become very stressful. Facing a variety of people with different personalities can give someone a headache, and it would sometimes result in a very difficult situation for the company. If multiple applicants are highlighting the best resumes, and they are competing for a single position, it is up […]

October 13, 2017 READ MORE →

What are the best jobs sectors in the post-Brexit economy?

The impacts of Brexit on jobs in the UK is still uncertain, as immigrants have taken up millions of jobs in the service sector, and the government is planning to prevent visaless EU citizens from being able to live and work in the country from March 2019. As the government discusses its departure from the […]

October 5, 2017 READ MORE →

But It Looked So Easy! 10 Tips For First Time Managers (Infographic)

 Good managers make it look easy so the realities of management come as a a big surprise to most people. The promotion to your first management job is the toughest career transition of all for most people. As a manager you need to be available to your team while also mastering a whole new skill […]

October 3, 2017 READ MORE →

How To Get That Office Job Of Your Dreams

Pexels Image Source: Office picture   So you’re looking for that dream office job, whether that be as a receptionist, a data entry clerk, or a human resources consultant – they all tend to fall into the same category. While people don’t expect an office job to be difficult because it is viewed as being […]

September 27, 2017 READ MORE →

High Paying Jobs: Career Prospects Worth Thinking About

When we are in school, we find ourselves either knowing exactly what we want to do in life, or not having the faintest idea. Can you remember which person you were? Often, if you had an idea of the career you wanted, you also were aware of the study and educational journey you were about […]

September 22, 2017 READ MORE →

4 Top Tips for Becoming Debt-Free Quickly

Today, it’s perfectly normal to be in some level of debt – whether it’s a credit card that you use for emergencies, a loan that you took out to buy a new car, or even the mortgage for your home. Borrowing money has become a regular part of life, and for the most part, the […]

September 21, 2017 READ MORE →

Want to earn $100 for your insight in a research study from ADP?

Hi Corn On The Job readers! Are you interested in potentially earning $100 for your time in providing insights on tools you already use? Click HERE or go to: to take the research participant intake survey! If you qualify for our research you will have an opportunity to earn up to $100 for your input. Eligible individuals must: Be […]

September 21, 2017 READ MORE →

Which Bad Habits can cost you a job?

Are you planning to start your corporate career and wish to excel in the company? Well, in that case, there are some red flags that you need to nip from the roots to have a respectable career. Some people argue that it’s just one bad habit and nobody is perfect but one should understand culmination […]

September 21, 2017 READ MORE →

How To Utilise Your Staff’s Skill Set Effectively

It’s often said that your workforce is your company’s greatest asset, but if you’re to get the most out of your employees you need to utilise their skill set effectively. Whether your workers have specific industry-related qualifications, whether they have topped up their education with an online course such as those offered by NCC Home […]

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September 20, 2017 READ MORE →