Rich DeMatteo

Freelance Like a King in 2017 (Infographic)

For those looking to freelance more in 2017, here’s a great infographic from Zeqr.  

September 20, 2017 READ MORE →

Still Out of Work? 6 Blue-Collar Jobs Not to Turn Your Nose Up At

  If you’re a white-collar worker, that is, someone whose job isn’t manual, for example, an office worker, then odds are that’s your strict preference when looking for a job. Good luck to you if you can find what you’re looking for and not have to suffer the doldrums of a long job search. For […]

September 19, 2017 READ MORE →

Saving a Sinking Business Is Easier Than It May Seem

Businesses fall on hard times from time to time; it’s inevitable and it’s just what they do. Whether these hard times be brought about by escalating financial problems. Whether they be brought about by a loss of custom. Whether they be brought about by customer service woes. Or whether they be brought about production difficulties. […]

September 13, 2017 READ MORE →

Fashion Careers Worth Considering

Fashion Careers Worth Considering You know you want to work in the fashion industry, but you aren’t sure exactly where you fit. It’s a competitive industry; however, there are opportunities down every runway. There’s something for fashion conscious people of all skill sets. If you’re pursuing a career in fashion, you don’t have to be […]

September 11, 2017 READ MORE →

No Work? Time To Look Elsewhere

It’s no secret that the job market is a tough one. For every job that goes onto the public listings, there are 100 job applications that get put into it. The competition is fierce and with the record level of applications for every role available, employers can afford to be picky. Pickiness leads to long, […]

September 7, 2017 READ MORE →

The Power of Positivity When Job Hunting

Job hunting is stressful enough when you’re already gainfully employed or undergoing a period of education or retraining for a new career. If you’re out for work having been fired or laid off by your previous employer, however, then it can be a crippling blow to your already damaged self esteem. Being out of work […]

August 31, 2017 READ MORE →

The Dos & Don’ts Of Retraining For A New Career

Credit Searching for a job is always tough. You have to dust off your interview skills, hunt through thousands of different applications, and then try and figure out a way to stand out from the crowd. It’s fraught with expectations, worries, and concerns. This is made all the worse by the fact that many employers […]

August 30, 2017 READ MORE →

Is Self Employment The Right Choice For You?

If you’re thinking of going self employed there are a few things that you should take into consideration before taking the leap. Many people decide to just go for it and hope for the best, and more often than not end up failing because they’ve not thought everything through beforehand. In this article will be […]

August 28, 2017 READ MORE →

Go Your Own Way By Setting Up As a Contractor

If you work in a hands-on job, you’ve likely learned a lot from various people. You might not have gone to college, but perhaps you went to a vocational school or completed an apprenticeship, and you learned as you earned. After a while, though, you can start to think that you no longer want other […]

August 23, 2017 READ MORE →

Reducing Noise in the Workplace with Technology

No one likes a noisy workplace. It’s safe to say that high levels of noise prevent workers from thinking clearly and reduce productivity. Even worse, long-term exposure to sound above 85dB(A) can cause permanent hearing loss or tinnitus. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to lower the volume and increase the mental […]

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August 22, 2017 READ MORE →