Rich DeMatteo

The Trend of Job Hopping in 2016

It seems like every year, new trends arise with regard to just about everything from fashion choices to the way people choose to handle their lives, new trends arise on a routine basis. This includes perceptions about jobs and finding the career that is right for each individual. In 2016, one of the most prevalent […]

October 20, 2016 2 comments READ MORE →

6 Skills Recent Graduates gain working in Insurance.

  Gaining transferrable skills is one of the most important things a new graduate should look for in their first few jobs after graduation. Chances are the first job you take will not be your dream job. It may not even be in the industry you ultimately want to work. Like many things, ‘life is […]

October 5, 2016 READ MORE →

Growing Your Small Business

Sometimes your overall goals and ambitions are much harder to reach then you’d expect when starting a new business. The constant challenge to try and stand out and be different and better than your competition can be a battle. Without the right resources or knowledge, it can be nearly impossible. That’s why we have outlined […]

September 28, 2016 READ MORE →

Got Creative Writing Skills? Check Out These Career Possibilities!

Some people like to claim that there’s not a lot you can do with creative writing skills these days. Well, I’m not quite sure where people are getting that idea. Here are some of the great career paths available to you through creative writing! Copywriting When people need someone to create compelling and entertaining text? […]

September 27, 2016 2 comments READ MORE →

Advance Your Career in Project Management Online

Some people are happy to spend their career being told what to do by others. However, many would much prefer to be the one in charge. Managerial positions allow for more control over the work you complete and give you more responsibility. A lot of people who want to move into management consider project management. […]

September 23, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →

Ways to Make Your Office More Efficient

  Americans are working more hours than ever before. Nearly 4 out of 10 workers claim they log 50+ hours a week at their job. Americans also get less vacation days than other countries with only 15 days on average and Europeans getting 28 days on average. With all that time we spend working, could […]

September 23, 2016 READ MORE →

Still Looking for the Right Job? Maybe It’s Time to Create Your Own

While the job market has rebounded significantly since its low during the recession doldrums, many looking to return to the workforce are still faced with significant challenges. One of the biggest challenges is that for many, the problem isn’t finding just any job, the problem is finding the right job — one that could be […]

September 22, 2016 READ MORE →

5 Tips to Grow Your Small Business and Expand Your Reach

Do you often find yourself asking how you can take your business to the next level? If so, you’re not alone. Trying to expand your business presence can be a constant battle. The competition is fierce and it’s getting more and more difficult drive real growth. If you want to stand out, you have to […]

September 21, 2016 READ MORE →

Is Your Side Business Ready to Expand? Three Questions You Need to Ask

Some side businesses start simply as passion projects. Others were always intended to replace one’s regular job. Either way, expanding a small side business is a dream come true for most entrepreneurs, but growth brings with it a variety of challenges. For those looking to grow their business, challenges abound: marketing, hiring, purchasing equipment, leasing […]

September 21, 2016 READ MORE →

Escaping the nine to five: four of the best freelance jobs

With the summer holidays officially over, it’s easy to let the normality of working life lull you into the same sleepy nine to five routine you’ve been following for years. But perhaps it’s time to admit that office life isn’t working out for you. A caffeine addiction shouldn’t be the only thing that sees you […]

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September 19, 2016 READ MORE →