Rich DeMatteo

Gamification: How to Win at Work

Work can be a serious business for many, but there is a train of thought that suggests you could make things a whole lot more enjoyable and maybe even boost productivity while having some fun. Gamification is all about taking standard parts of a normal work day and transforming those tasks into games that will put a […]

August 25, 2016 READ MORE →

Top tech jobs that let you travel

Working in tech used to be all about installing Adobe Reader updates and turning things off and on again. Now, tech jobs can be much more luxurious, with many of them allowing you to travel around the globe. These are four of the best technology-related jobs for tech jet-setters. SAP Consultant Working as an SAP […]

August 24, 2016 READ MORE →

How to make the most of your next team building scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts are great fun. Just remember back to your days as a kid, with your team of best buddies racing against the other guys for that coveted trophy. Well, that’s exactly what it’s STILL all about – team work. And in today’s highly competitive corporate world, successful team work translates into better, more enjoyable […]

August 16, 2016 2 comments READ MORE →

So You Want To Be A Psychologist? This Is How You Get The Job

Working in psychology is a very rewarding career path. You will be able to work closely with people in need, which is a great way to give something back to your community. Psychologists aren’t like regular doctors and physicians who focus on physical ailments and conditions. You will be helping people with psychological problems. This […]

August 15, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →

3 Powerful Ways to Advance Your Career by Improving Your Appearance

  It’s sad but it’s also true. Your appearance has been shown to have a direct impact on your professional prospects. When you want a shot at that raise, promotion, or new position, your looks will almost always factor into the final decision. There are several reasons behind this including being considered more able, more […]

August 12, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →

What Can You Do To Finally Start Your Career As A Programmer?

Choosing a career is never an easy task. But in today’s climate, career programming is a very popular selection. Not only does it offer great financial rewards and a natural path to progression. Perhaps more importantly, it’s a career that offers longevity. After all, society’s reliance on computers will only grow over the coming years. […]

August 11, 2016 READ MORE →

How Successful People Chose The Right Career And You Can Too!

While there is a lot that employers can do to increase employee satisfaction, if you are not in the right job, it’s going to be hard to be happy in that role. That’s why it’s so important to think long and hard before picking a career. Read on for some factors that you should consider […]

August 9, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →

What Do You Do When You Can’t Get Capital for Your Startup?

When you’re trying to get a startup going, it can be a bit of a heartbreak when you can’t get your hands on capital. Of course, most startups require some sort of capital in order to exist. The sort of capital I’m talking about here is venture capital. This is the sort of money that […]

August 7, 2016 READ MORE →

Communicating Trumps Informing

Everyone is familiar with the frustration of imparting important information only to see that information going in one ear and out the other. Journalist Sydney J. Harris once wrote, “The two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.” At Strayboots […]

August 4, 2016 READ MORE →

Top Tips for Increasing Employee Satisfaction Today

If you look at some of the most common business costs that managers don’t pay enough attention to, you’ll usually find that high employee turnover rates is one of them. Indeed, estimates show that it costs many thousands of dollars every time a staff member quits. This is because organizations have to spend time and […]

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August 2, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →