Rich DeMatteo

Our Take on Pokémon Go (as if you needed another)

This post was originally published on strayboots.  Read the original article here It’s been a few weeks now since Pokémon Go unleashed its digital maelstrom on the mobile gaming world, and there’s been no lack of perspectives offered up on what to make of it all. Hey, what’s one more? That everyone’s felt compelled to […]

July 28, 2016 READ MORE →

Best Industries To Work In

Choosing the right career field can keep you from experiencing disappointment when you are searching for a job, or after you have worked in a field for a number of years.  If you choose a field where there is very little job growth, you could see yourself having to settle for a lower paying position […]

July 26, 2016 READ MORE →

So You Want To Be A Truck Driver? Six Things You Need To Know

Truck driving is one of the biggest occupations in America. More people drive trucks than pretty much anything else. It’s a huge job creator and pays well to boot. With some many people looking for careers in the sector, it’s worth finding out a bit more about it. What skills do you need? What hours […]

July 26, 2016 READ MORE →

The 4-Step Guide to Getting Back To Work After An Accident

After you’ve suffered from an accident or injury, you’ll need to take some time off work to relax and recover. However, some injuries will make it a lot harder adjusting to life back at work. Thankfully, there are various ways you can help yourself. Interested to know more? Then read this 5-step guide to getting […]

July 26, 2016 READ MORE →

Fantastic Careers Outside The Office

If you don’t want to be stuck in an office for the rest of your life, there are other career options that you may want to consider. Perhaps you would prefer a job that involves more physical labor that keeps you active through the day. Or, maybe you would rather have a job that doesn’t […]

July 21, 2016 2 comments READ MORE →

The Skills You Need To Succeed In The Big Data Industry

It’s no secret that big data is now a big hit. And that means that the rush is on to find talented individuals able to work with this new data paradigm. Over the last five years, the industry has seen demand for data analysts more than quadruple. Big data is one of the most lucrative […]

July 21, 2016 2 comments READ MORE →

Light Snacks That You Can Take To Work

  Does your workplace lack a pantry or full kitchen? You may only have a microwave to heat up food and a fridge to store your meals. If you are stuck at a workstation for most of the day, you will need something to snack on when you get hungry. Whatever you bring from home […]

July 20, 2016 READ MORE →

How to Navigate a Difficult Employee

If you haven’t had one yet, don’t worry, you will. One of the most feared aspects of management roles is being required to deal with difficult employees. This can involve any number of unprofessional or downright inappropriate situations arising in the workplace. Coming in to work dressed in sloppy attire, missing deadlines, sexual innuendo or […]

July 20, 2016 READ MORE →

Switching Things Up to Keep Employees Engaged

They wake up, they drink coffee, they work, they go home. They do the same the next day ― and the day after that and on and on. After just a week or two of enduring such monotony, you can start to understand why your employees are checking out: losing focus, lowering their productivity, and […]

July 19, 2016 1 comment READ MORE →

Successful Online Entrepreneurship

So you have an idea for an online business that you think will be a success, but do not know where to start? Even though it seems like some entrepreneurs start businesses on the web overnight, it actually takes time and perseverance to launch an online business. Here are some tips to starting your own […]

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July 13, 2016 READ MORE →