Rich DeMatteo

10 Tips To a Successful CV

I recently stumbled on a video that talked about their 10 Tips to a Successful CV and I wanted to share it with you.  We all know how important the CV/Resume is in making the first impression and it can make or break your chances in the job search. Check out the video below and then […]

September 22, 2015 READ MORE →

Where are the ladies in Law?

It’s safe to say that we all realize that is a huge problem in most industries and workplaces. One of the professions seeing a huge lack of gender diversity is in the law sector. If you weren’t aware of the problems facing women in law, here are some highlights: Women Aren’t Being Promoted to Partner When […]

September 18, 2015 READ MORE →

From Lemons to Lemonade: Making the Most of a Sudden Job Loss

From Lemons to Lemonade: Making the Most of a Sudden Job Loss Losing your job without warning is definitely a curveball that can throw your career prospects sideways, if you let it. Which is why you have to try and adopt the positive mental approach that a sudden job loss could actually enhance your career […]

September 15, 2015 READ MORE →

Can You Get a Good Job if You Have No Experience?

Setting out to get your first “real” job can be an intimidating excursion. This is especially true if you don’t have a lot of experience or education in the area that you are interested in. Many people let their lack of experience keep them from trying at all to get the job they want. It […]

August 31, 2015 READ MORE →

What Kind of Workforce Should Employers Expect in the Future?

Disclosure: Post sponsored by Spherion, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure. I’ve been provided access to information from Spherion’s Emerging Workforce Study findings.  You’ve seen me post these over the last couple years.  Today’s blog post will be talking about the future workforce and the challenges that employers are facing. […]

August 28, 2015 2 comments READ MORE →

4 of the Highest Paying Summer Jobs

While there are plenty of good internship roles around that can provide handy experience to add to a resume, sometimes you just want to earn as much cash over the summer as possible (especially if you’re saving up for a trip or a car). That’s where a well-paid summer role comes in handy. Not only […]

August 27, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

A Day In The Life of a Professional Superhero: Was Grad School my Kryptonite?

Meg Pomante, aka: the artist formerly known as Mirzoeff, is a 10+ year seasoned veteran of the non-profit Development and Fundraising industry.  As a current gear shifter seeking opportunities in the HR/Training and Development field, Meg boasts a lovely Masters in Leadership degree from Cabrini College by wearing her “Will Work for Self-Esteem” sandwich board […]

August 14, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

What Are The Critical Skills Workers Will Need in The Future?

Disclosure: Post sponsored by Spherion, but all opinions are my own. Please see below for additional disclosure. I’ve been lucky enough to have worked with Spherion a few times before on their yearly Emerging Workforce Study findings.  In my experience as a recruiter, human resources professional, and career coach, my success is determined by how […]

August 11, 2015 READ MORE →

Yes, You Can: Get a Job on Wall Street Straight Out of College

Most college grads believe that getting a job on Wall Street is out of the question unless they’re attending an Ivy League school. But, this is an industry that’s not that elusive. If you love money, and you’ve always loved the financial industry, here’s how to get work in this famous financial area. Have an […]

August 10, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Career Change Options That Don’t Require a Degree

If you’ve been thinking about a career change, you are most likely coming up against job after job that requires you to start from scratch in regards to gaining qualifications. If you want to try out a new line of work, but don’t want to spend another three or four years in full-time study, then […]

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August 7, 2015 READ MORE →