Rich DeMatteo

Seeking Mobile Work Opportunities

We are no doubt living through the beginning of the mobile technology era. The ability to communicate, collaborate, and accomplish across continents will be the defining factor of countless human endeavors throughout the 21st century. This means good things for job seekers: men and women otherwise limited by geography or dreading the dullness of an office are […]

April 27, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Summer Jobs: What Are My Options?

The summer break is always a fun time to hit the beach, hang out with friends, and simply enjoy the warmer weather. However, it also happens to be a great time to make some extra cash and bulk out the resume. If you’re looking for a casual job to keep you going over the summer, […]

April 24, 2015 READ MORE →

Time for a Career Change? Here’s 5 Careers You May Not Have Considered

If Monday mornings find you struggling to gain the momentum to face work, then maybe it’s time to reconsider your career. After all, statistics show most people will alter their career at least five to seven times during their lifetime, so if it’s time for a career change, here are five careers you may not […]

April 22, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Looking For A Job As A Freelance Writer?

A freelance writer is someone who writes for more than one organization .They are self-employed, as they are not working permanently in any particular organization. Freelance may sometimes be hired as full time employee, provided work location is not remote and they become continuous need of the organization they are working for. Some freelance writers […]

April 21, 2015 READ MORE →

Getting Noticed: How to Submit Your Resume in a Creative Fashion

Unless you’re a professional with a fantastic amount of desirability, the chances are that you’ll find job hunting to be a relatively tedious and sometimes soul-crushing experience. All of the hours you spend sending emails, searching for new opportunities, making phone calls, and simply trying to get noticed by potential employers can be enough to […]

April 17, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

USA Mobile Drug Testing Explains the Impact of Marijuana Legalization

One of the most (if not the most) confusing areas in the employment realm these days is about the legalization of marijuana and how it impacts drug testing. It’s my belief that if we could quiz 10 recruiters/employers on the topic, we just might get the right answers out of 1 of them. That’s a […]

April 14, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Mentors and Advisors: The Significant Role They Play in Growing Your Business

When you read success stories of entrepreneurs and small business owners, it can be very easy to get caught up in the “success” part of the story. Sure you might read about the various trials and tribulations they’ve had along the way, but ultimately, what attracts so many of us to the idea of “being […]

April 13, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Need a Career Boost? Get a Job in San Francisco

  San Francisco is a city with a lot of diversity and starting or continuing a career there can really be a wise move. The economy there is a heady mix of different kinds of service industry with many other styles of company in the mix. With this in mind you’ll find that getting San […]

April 7, 2015 READ MORE →

IT Certifications: What Database Professionals Need to Get the Best Jobs

Jobs are opening up by the droves for database professionals. If you want a piece of this action, you’ll have to get certified in these areas. Oracle Oracle is considered a great starting point for many professionals because of its widespread use. There’s just one catch with this program though. Before you can receive any […]

April 6, 2015 2 comments READ MORE →

Ways HR Can Benefit from Video Conferencing

When you’re in HR management, you’re expected to be a thought leader in discovering new ways and training to make personnel productive and creative, and allow them to reach their potential. Happy and skilled employees means better productivity for your business, but there’s a learning curve as technology continues to advance and new models of […]

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April 6, 2015 READ MORE →