Rich DeMatteo

Finding a Job in the Financial Industry Requires a Specific Mix of Skills

Succeeding in business requires a fair mixture of experience and education, and a little bit of good luck never hurts either. One particular area that requires a few extra qualities is the financial industry thanks to all the external factors that come into play on a daily basis. Working in finance is often a high […]

April 1, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

Poor Credit Can Stop Your Career Dead In Its Tracks

The three little numbers that make up your credit score can have a huge impact on your life. You know that poor credit makes it difficult to get a loan and that when you do get a loan, you’ll pay a higher interest rate. You know that your credit score impacts the limit on your […]

March 31, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

What to do if your employer changes your job description

It is possible to work in one career for a very long time without suffering a change in your job description. A change in job description could be welcome news, especially if it means no longer doing some of the tasks you always considered demeaning. Similarly, a change in job description can be a huge […]

March 27, 2015 3 comments READ MORE →

10 Tips for Time Management During the Job Search

Finding a job can be incredibly stressful and downright difficult, especially if you know you need to get back to work to support yourself or your family. If you work in a sector where jobs are generally harder to come by or the interview process is often lengthy, the pressure you feel can be magnified […]

March 26, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

7 Ways to Find Your Career Path

We were all a little confused by that person in high school who already knew that he wanted to be a doctor. Unfortunately, though, that kind of certainty is a rarity: it often proves more difficult to find a satisfying career that aligns with your passions, desired lifestyle and salary expectations. Flexibility’s the Norm  Another issue to […]

March 25, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

COTJ Reviews Team+: Revolutionary HR & Talent Management Software

The Problem: The entire recruiting process is one big cluster of confusing nonsense. Resumes are being received from every angle, talent is completely lost in the shuffle, and recruiters are spending way too much time trying to juggle all of the incoming information. The Answer: Team+ What is Team+: Team+ is a time saving HR & Talent […]

March 23, 2015 READ MORE →

Alternative Ways of Searching for Your Next Career

Most people will hit a snag at least once in their lives when it comes to their career and wonder if they are going in the right direction. If this sounds like you, never fear – there will always be somewhere to go to do something you love; you just need to find out exactly […]

March 20, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

5 Things to Know Before You Start Your First Mining Job

The minerals and resources sector can be a lucrative industry to forge a career in. Not only does it typically pay high wages, there are also some real work life perks, like the ability to work rosters that let you get significant amounts of time off. But it can also be a gruelling and potentially […]

March 18, 2015 READ MORE →

How to Choose the Right Career Path for You

Choosing the right career can be one of life’s biggest and most important decisions. If you are feeling confused about the direction your career should take, considering a complete change of career, or seeking more professional satisfaction from your career, the following tips will help you to select the optimal career path for you. Consider […]

March 17, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →

6 Tips To Overcome Shortfalls in Job Qualifications

You may think you have finally found the perfect job, only to discover as you read through the qualifications that you fall short of meeting the listed requirements. In some cases, the gap between your experience and the stated parameters might be too great to consider applying for the position. In other instances, however, you […]

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March 5, 2015 1 comment READ MORE →