Rich DeMatteo

Expect The Unexpected: Harrison Kratz shares details of his journey

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Harrison Kratz is the Community Manager for MBA@UNC, a top online MBA program from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He sticks to his entrepreneurial roots as the founder of the global social good campaign, Tweet Drive. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter, @KratzPR!      Before I start off, I can’t say I am […]

September 13, 2011 5 comments READ MORE →

Job Seeker Uses “Hire Me” Campaign to Pursue Dream Job At Chipotle

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How passionate are you about your favorite restaurant?  Does your memory vividly recall your first dining experience there?  Do you remember what you ordered?  Are you located near the restaurant’s corporate headquarters?  Would working there be your dream? Bianca Cadloni can confidently answer “yes” to each of those questions. In 1999, Bianca had her first […]

September 8, 2011 29 comments READ MORE →

How My Intern Got The Job And Created A Blueprint For All To Follow

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People are typically looking for a blueprint when searching for advice.  And not just for job search advice, but for anything. People want to view a model that they can follow and make their own. I recently (this week) hired an intern for my new Social Media Company, Bad Rhino.  Our hired intern, Jamie, has […]

August 31, 2011 18 comments READ MORE →

5 Ways To Land The Job You Really Want, Instead Of One The Job Board’s Offering

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Co-Founder of, Jill Felska is a human sparkler – always positive and full of energy. She strongly believes that life is too short to do work you hate. DreamChamps (which launches in mid-September) is a community site dedicated to helping entry-level job seekers find work they love by facilitating introductions between them and extraordinary […]

August 26, 2011 2 comments READ MORE →

Personal Day: 5 Things Happening Now In COTJ’s Life

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Breaks are good.  Good are breaks.  Break me off a piece of that earthquake bar. I obviously need a personal day. Even in our most desperate times, we must find a way to take a step back, relax, and put our focus on something else.  They say searching for a job is a 40 hour […]

August 24, 2011 5 comments READ MORE →

Does Your LinkedIn Network Make You Feel Limitless? Mine Does

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I love LinkedIn.  But I also love putting work into LinkedIn. The bold should tell you that the second sentence is far more important.  Unfortunately, far too many job seekers complain that LinkedIn hasn’t worked for them, so they end up failing to put in the proper work/time that building a LinkedIn network requires. Sure, […]

August 19, 2011 5 comments READ MORE →

Why your PDF resume might be killing you

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My allergies are absolutely killing me.  The battle of my body versus my environment has now reached an annoying three weeks.  What’s worse is that this is the first year I’ve ever experienced an allergic catastrophe like I’m dealing with now.  Seriously, it just came out of no where.  But enough about me, time to […]

August 18, 2011 4 comments READ MORE →

Maximizing your work success in a new city

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This article was contributed by, a career community dedicated to helping people find happiness in the workplace. So you accepted the job and moved to a new city. Hopefully you’ve weighed the pros and cons and found that moving will be beneficial to your career in the long run. The best part of moving […]

August 17, 2011 READ MORE →

15 Basic Resume Tips

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Writing a resume sucks.  It does.  The process is never fun, and most people have trouble knowing how to start, where to begin, and what information should be included.  Whether you’re getting ready to start your first resume, or you’re about to make some edits to an existing document, the following 15 resume tips should […]

August 4, 2011 3 comments READ MORE →

LinkedIn’s “Apply” button has arrived. Are you cheering or fearing?

Thumbnail image for LinkedIn’s “Apply” button has arrived.  Are you cheering or fearing?

  LinkedIn’s latest social hiring trick has arrived and whether you like it or not, it’s coming to an employer near you. The brand new, “Apply With LinkedIn” button should further LinkedIn’s comfortable position as the top social recruiting and professional networking website. According to a survey completed by Jobvite Inc., 87 percent of U.S. […]

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July 26, 2011 11 comments READ MORE →