Rich DeMatteo

How Tristan Walker got a job at foursquare and what you can learn from his story

Thumbnail image for How Tristan Walker got a job at foursquare and what you can learn from his story

I read a blog post from Tristan Walker this morning about how he got a job at foursquare.  It’s the kind of story that makes a 28 year old man fist pump high in the air.  It’s the kind of story I wish more people read, and more people told.  It’s the kind of story […]

July 20, 2011 15 comments READ MORE →

The Google+ Job Search Resource List

Thumbnail image for The Google+ Job Search Resource List

Before I left for a (very) lengthy vacation, pretty much everyone was oozing over Google+. Obviously, my first thoughts were, “How can G+ be used as a career tool?” Well, my current thoughts are still on the same level, and unfortunately, vacation didn’t provide time to play around with the new social media craze. What’s […]

July 18, 2011 9 comments READ MORE →

Corn on the Job turns 2 and gets a facelift! (Under maintenance until 7/11/11)

Thumbnail image for Corn on the Job turns 2 and gets a facelift!  (Under maintenance until 7/11/11)

It was two years ago this time when I was feeling very lost in my career.  I was unemployed, unsure of the career path I was moving towards, and quite honestly, bored.  One of my best friends in the world suggested starting a blog.  His blog was doing amazing things for him, and knew how […]

July 6, 2011 8 comments READ MORE →

My Reaction to The Comment War That Was “6 Reasons You Don’t Have a Job”

Thumbnail image for My Reaction to The Comment War That Was “6 Reasons You Don’t Have a Job”

Last week I wrote what many have called the best post here on Corn on the Job.  One fellow went as far as personally calling me to say it was the greatest blog post he’d ever read.   But I can’t please everyone, and the (nearly 80!) comments on  post proves that fact. “6 Reasons […]

June 28, 2011 54 comments READ MORE →

6 Reasons You Don’t Have A Job

Thumbnail image for 6 Reasons You Don’t Have A Job

Many unemployed folks usually don’t understand why they’ve been out of work for so long.  Their obvious scape goat is the economy and the other billion job seekers that are their competition.  This excuse is completely warranted, but I can’t let them off the hook so easy.  It’s just not happening. Here are 6 reasons […]

June 21, 2011 116 comments READ MORE →

Help a Charity and Help Your Job Search

Working for a non-profit can be a great career move because the industry is expanding rapidly and should continue to grow well into the future. Non-profit organizations include charities, research organizations, religious groups, public safety testing committees, and animal cruelty societies, so you will not run out of options should you choose this path. Working with […]

June 16, 2011 1 comment READ MORE →

Bullshit interview questions and other general nonsense floating in my head at 1:34 AM

I began writing this at 1:34 AM, but I’m certain you put that together when reading the blog post title. A ton is happening up in my head right now.  Some of it is job search/recruiting related.  Most of it is random.  A portion is kinda like ‘holy shit, I turn 28 on Sunday’.  And […]

June 9, 2011 8 comments READ MORE →

U.S. News hosts New Grad Night on #JobHuntChat

We’re proud to announce that U.S. News will be guest hosting our New Grad night on #JobHuntChat. As always, #JobHuntChat will start at 10PM EST and run through 11PM EST tonight (June 6th). Joining the #JobHuntChat team ( @blogging4jobs, @girlmeetsgeek, and yours truly) for the night will be twitter handles @USNewsEducation or @USNewsCareers.  Make sure to look out […]

June 6, 2011 1 comment READ MORE →

5 Wacky Ways To Make Sure Your Resume is Noticed

If I were to ask 10 job seekers what frustrates them the most about their search, my guess is that at least 9 of them would say not hearing back after submitting a resume.  Am I wrong?  Am I?  I’m not.  I’m very right. During our little recession, recruiters and HR professionals were tossed from […]

May 24, 2011 12 comments READ MORE →

You Got The Job. Now Keep It.

This is a guest post from Leslie Williams.  Leslie is a writer for Jobfox Resumes, the largest resume writing service online. She specializes in using social media to connect to the right job Wedding planning is a booming business in this country. People want their wedding days to be perfect, and won’t settle for anything […]

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May 19, 2011 2 comments READ MORE →