Rich DeMatteo

Top 5 Shiny Happy Resume Optimization Tips (Guest Post From Craig Fisher)

Craig Fisher is recruitment consultant, social media strategist, and trainer. He helps people and businesses leverage social media, mobile, and other new communication tools to get matched with the *right* customers, the *right* talent, and the *right* jobs. Craig hosts the original social recruiting forum on Twitter, and live conference events, known as TalentNet Live […]

March 10, 2011 2 comments READ MORE →

The Top 100 Most Desirable Mentors — COTJ is #92

GenJuice asked young adults from around the world who they admire in order to build a list of the Top 100 Desirable Mentors.  Last week on Twitter, friends and new friends kept congratulating me for making it onto this list.  At first I had no idea what they were talking about.  When i clicked into […]

February 28, 2011 6 comments READ MORE →

Engulfed in your career or job search? Unplug. (Guest post from Grace Boyle)

Grace Boyle, a 20-something adventurista. She lives in Boulder, CO and is the Publisher Services Manager for the tech startup, Lijit. Her personal blog, Small Hands, Big Ideas covers her life in a startup, career, relationships and daily inspirations. She is passionate about food and travel, both of which she writes about on her food […]

February 24, 2011 3 comments READ MORE →

Announcing the Launch of

Last night on #JobHuntChat’s one-year anniversary, Jessica and I announced the launch of!  When we began #JobHuntChat a year ago, it completely changed the game for job seekers — in a good way!  With #JobHuntChat, seekers could now talk to hundreds of career professionals at one time, gaining many valuable opinions, instead of just […]

February 22, 2011 READ MORE →

She broke my heart when she asked, “Is LinkedIn the same as Career Builder?”

Something very disturbing happened to me last week and after I pulled my jaw up off the floor I realized I needed to share it here. A recent college graduate that I’m friends with on Facebook had a status that said, “Jobs….Jobs”.  Naturally, I sent a private message to see if I could help her […]

February 15, 2011 27 comments READ MORE →

The #JobHuntChat Anniversary Show is Coming!

I can’t believe that #JobHuntChat has reached the one year mark already.  It has been one hell of a year and I just want to thank all of the #JobHuntChat supporters for their participation.  Jessica and I simply provide you the forum to make it all happen, but your conversations, engagement, and helpful information is […]

February 13, 2011 4 comments READ MORE →

Lunch Interviews – They’re NOT About the Food (guest post from Kirk Baumann)

Kirk Baumann is a passionate recruiting advocate preparing the next generation of talent for the career of their dreams. He’s a social media enthusiast who loves technology and how it’s connecting people in ways like never before.  Kirk currently serves as Director of Career Connections for SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) World Headquarters, working with Fortune […]

February 10, 2011 10 comments READ MORE →

COTJ Reviews YouTern: Internship Search Website

The problem: The major job boards aren’t helping your internship search at all.  Is the Marketing Internship you saw on that big name job board for real, or is it some dude in his basement just looking for free labor?  What you need is a helpful online community, run by Recruiting and HR industry professionals […]

February 8, 2011 READ MORE →

Job Seeker Uses “Hire Me” Campaign to Land Dream Job at Krispy Kreme Donuts

Braden Young is a super fan of Krispy Kreme donuts.  Want to know how deep this passion runs?  Back before the tasty donut company opened up shops in Philadelphia, Braden would occasionally stop by the local Acme grocery store and pick up a dozen just for himself.  I must admit, it wouldn’t have been rare […]

February 3, 2011 40 comments READ MORE →

COTJ Launches Job Seeker Services

Have you heard the news?  I’ve officially launched Job Seeker Services here on COTJ and I’m absolutely thrilled.  I’ve reviewed/edited 100’s of resumes since starting Corn on the Job, so I figured I might as well make it official and add in some other awesome services. Before you watch the video below, know that I’m […]

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February 1, 2011 1 comment READ MORE →