Rich DeMatteo

How to Use the New Facebook Profile to Get Hired

Facebook has once again evolved and updated the way we share our lives with the world.  The most noticeable change sees Facebook taking the last five tagged pictures of you, and placing them near the top of your profile page  I’m sure that mostly everyone reading this post is well aware of this already, but […]

December 19, 2010 33 comments READ MORE →

Announcing #MegaJobHuntChat (lineup and question schedule included)

Almost 10 months ago, Jessica Miller-Merell and I began Co-Moderating #JobHuntChat.  The lively community of Job Seekers, Resume Writers, Recruiters, HR Pro’s, and Career Coach’s make it easy for Jessica (@blogging4jobs) and I  to put on the party each Monday night.  Simply put, without the community, #JobHuntChat would be nothing. What is #MegaJobHuntChat? While #JobHuntChat […]

December 2, 2010 5 comments READ MORE →

6 Tweets That Could Help Land A Job

A couple weeks ago I provided some real life examples of how a Tweet could ruin your chances of landing the job.  Basically, I searched for real tweets about job interviews, and the lack of professionalism was appalling.  Click here to check out that post. When all was said and done, a few Corn Heads […]

November 30, 2010 6 comments READ MORE →

COTJ Reviews JIBE.COM: Social Job Search Tool

When it comes to the job search, how many times have we heard, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”?  A lot…I mean, just typing that was annoying.  We all know that networking is the bee’s knees for the job search, and currently, building up professional social networks on Linkedin and Facebook is […]

November 23, 2010 7 comments READ MORE →

10 Tweets That Will Result in a Rejection Letter

We’ve talked about how Twitter can be useful in the job search, but we haven’t yet discussed how poor use of Twitter will have employers rejecting candidates immediately.  More employers are tuning into social media and researching their candidates before and after interviews.  This means candidates need to be cautious about what they post online.  I […]

November 19, 2010 41 comments READ MORE →

@CornOnTheJob brings his dance moves to YouTube…

As promised to the community of #JobHuntChat, here I am dancing on YouTube….

November 15, 2010 1 comment READ MORE →

Looks like I’m dancing on YouTube. It’s all #JobHuntChat’s fault!

When I told the #JobHuntChat community that I’d dance on YouTube if we reached 300 participants in a single chat, I didn’t think it would happen just two weeks after making that statement.  I mean, I knew it would happen.  I knew how amazing the #JobHuntChat community is.  They are second to none, and connect […]

November 9, 2010 8 comments READ MORE →

The Hip-Hop Job Search Quote Contest (facebook exclusive)

It’s no secret that my musical taste has been swayed onto team Hip-Hop over the last few years. I guess at some point, current rock dropped me off at the park, and somehow forgot to pick me up. When I needed a ride back, Jay-Z was there to show me the way home, and rap […]

November 7, 2010 1 comment READ MORE →

A Creative Way to Use Twitter Lists to Get Hired

There are many creative ways job seekers gain attention from recruiters and hiring managers on Twitter.  We’ve seen seekers create catchy Twitter handles that clearly state their job search intentions.  We’ve also seen folks with extremely nifty Twitter backgrounds that get the point across well.  Another popular route is joining Twitter chats like #JobHuntChat to […]

November 2, 2010 16 comments READ MORE →

Let’s have a toast for the douche bags. Let’s have a toast for the recruiters.

I messed up.  I’m a douche bag.  I’m an asshole.  I’m a recruiter. ***Before going any further, I should mention that you MIGHT want to be familiar with Kanye Wests’ “Runaway” to understand the pop culture reference.  Click here to listen to the song, but honestly, it’s not all that important. In “Runaway”, Kanye basically […]

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October 27, 2010 42 comments READ MORE →