Rich DeMatteo

Quiet candidates, colorful resumes, and asshole house centipedes

I’m currently a little exhausted, bitter from spending too much on dry cleaning, and craving a buffalo chicken wrap that will be impossible to get my hands on right now.  These issues may or may not be the reason I’m about to unload a hefty rant on the world.  Well, whatever the reason, try to […]

October 13, 2010 16 comments READ MORE →

Part 1: #JobHuntChat Tackles Linked in

Today we have a bit of a special post here on COTJ.  Jessica and I are teaming up to release a recap of this weeks #JobHuntChat.  You’ll find Part 1 below, and then later this week Jessica will release part 2.  This weeks theme was all about Linked in and was one of our best […]

October 5, 2010 8 comments READ MORE →

A Guide to Creating a Professional Setting for Skype Interviews

You’ve interviewed at least a dozen times before.  You’ve dazzled interviewers, hiring managers, and recruiters with your charm and slick answers.  Simply put, you’re a confident son of a bitch and you know that you’ll walk into any interview and leave with an offer. Hold up a second, boss, we have a tiny problem.  Your […]

September 30, 2010 8 comments READ MORE →

Quick Tip: Use the LinkedIn Headline to Announce Your Job Search

Often times, it’s the little things that pay dividends.  This is 100% true in the job search. Now, while I 100% agree and believe in the quick tip below, I can’t give myself full credit for coming up with it.  It’s actually something that I always remembered Bill Boorman talking about in #JobHuntChat, so please, […]

September 29, 2010 23 comments READ MORE →

I almost killed a night time runner at 10:30PM

I know why people die.  It’s because they are stupid.  Now let me tell you a story. For a number of reasons, one being to watch Dexter, I went home to my parents house today.  When the show ended at 10PM, I left to go back to my place.  There was a lot on my […]

September 26, 2010 14 comments READ MORE →

Finalist for COTJ Mascot Naming Contest Revealed – Vote For Your Favorite!

Wow.  That’s about all I can say after reading through  your suggestions for COTJ’s new logo.  I thank you, and so does our soon to be named Corn on the Cob guy.  We thank you, from the bottom of our stalks… Let’s get down to bizzy, shall we? The Finalist! While there were so many […]

September 15, 2010 37 comments READ MORE →

Please welcome the new COTJ logo and mascot. (Name my mascot and win $50)

It wasn’t too long ago that I asked the Corn Heads to suggest areas of COTJ that they think could improve.  Something that many readers brought up was COTJ’s header/logo.  While many folks love seeing yours truly in the middle of a corn field, quite a few felt that a better logo and header design […]

September 9, 2010 148 comments READ MORE →

How to start hearing back from employers and living Nine to Alive!

If you ask job seekers what they’re most frustrated about, the most frequent answer is that they aren’t hearing back from employers after submitting a resume or application.  Lately, many questions, problems, and frustrations from Corn on the Job readers has followed that trend.  For this reason and others, I’ve decided to team up with […]

August 31, 2010 6 comments READ MORE →

Become the bullfighter, defeat your bull, and be like JFK

I was interviewed by City Sylvester the other day,  and one question asked me to talk about a favorite quote of mine that could be helpful for job seekers.  Right away, a quote that I had read in Sam Sheridan’s “A Fighter’s Heart” stung clear in my head. Bullfight critics, ranked in rows Crowd the enormous […]

August 27, 2010 9 comments READ MORE →

Corn is on the move (and not just into a new apartment)

Some of you may already know this, but let this post be the official announcement.  I’ve moved out of my parents house, and into my own place.  Oh yes, it is official, and I’ve now been living here for just over a week. The move has been very interesting, very tiring, very exhausting, and very […]

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August 23, 2010 21 comments READ MORE →