Rich DeMatteo

That time I got a typewritten resume…

How many people reading this post know how to use a typewriter?  Your guess is as good as mine, but if a certain candidate from last week is reading this post then our answer is at least 1. So, here I am minding my own business, just hunting on Linkedin, when all of a sudden […]

August 17, 2010 40 comments READ MORE →

Research your recruiter, you never know what you’ll find

Every now and then, a candidate will come along and surprise a recruiter.  Sometimes in a bad way, and sometimes in a good way.  On Friday, I was surprised in a good way. I was making my last call of the day on Friday, and had just started a phone screen.  Right after explaining what […]

August 8, 2010 5 comments READ MORE →

No, it’s really not just like riding a bike…

I used to ride my bike everywhere.  To the hobby shop, through the park, to my friends houses, and on the dirt track where I did “tricks”.  When I discovered roller blades and roller hockey, my bike was put away in the shed and never used again.  For the next 15 years or more, I […]

August 4, 2010 10 comments READ MORE →

The “weakness” interview question is so weak (video embedded)

I’ve never asked someone to explain to me their weaknesses on an interview.  Sorry, I just won’t do it.  I was trained to stay away from it, and I’ve been continuously reminded to avoid that useless question when conducting interviews. Why? Well, when most people are asked, they try to think of something negative that […]

July 27, 2010 21 comments READ MORE →

“What I Know About Getting A Job” – The eBook

Download the eBook —-> What I Know About Getting A Job Job search and career advice is troubling for job seekers.  It’s not because of the advice giver, but because there is never just one right answer, and each person needs a unique solution to fit their situation.  Job seekers come from all walks of […]

July 20, 2010 10 comments READ MORE →

E-book Announcement – Release date 7/20/10

I’ve been keeping something to myself for a while now, but I’ll refuse to hold it in any longer. A few months back, Penelope Trunk and I began talking about putting together an E-book that would become a free resource for Gen-Y Job Seekers.  Well, the project is near completion and we are planning on […]

July 14, 2010 24 comments READ MORE →

My dog is picky about where he urinates…are you?

My dog is picky about where he urinates, and lately he’s worse than ever.  Let me explain. A pretty wicked storm whipped through our town last week and it caused an ass-slapping ton of destruction.  My back yard is a public park with many trees, and the storm left dozens of huge branches, and thousands […]

July 1, 2010 14 comments READ MORE →

An example of a personal job search website

We all know that there are more options than just applying online to gain attention from target companies.  Twitter has become one of the most talked about resources, which sits right up at the top of the list with Linkedin.  Some people resort to mailing in their applications & resumes along with their electronic submissions. […]

June 30, 2010 2 comments READ MORE →

Earn Some Networking RESPECT

This is a guest post from Michelle Barbeau considers herself an authority in resume writing and provides free resume critiques. She also works as Careers Editor at and teaches Freshman Composition at a local university. Contact her at You can also find her career blog at You often hear older, more experienced […]

June 23, 2010 6 comments READ MORE →

Don’t Get an Internship. Take a Field Trip, instead.

This is a guest post from Lauren McCabe.  Lauren is the chief-blogger at KODA (, a community that helps young professionals and employers connect directly.  You can read more of her blog at Remember what field trips were like in grade school? Glorious days at a museum or alligator farm or bog (clearly, I’m from […]

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June 21, 2010 READ MORE →