Rich DeMatteo

The Virgin Suicides: Job Seeker Edition

This is a guest post from Sarah White.  Sarah is the Cheif Strategy Officer at HRMDirect.  You can find Sarah on Twitter @ImSoSarah, and check out her HR, HR Technology, and Recruiting blog over at  One day, not that long ago, I was a college student.  I remember how anxious I was when I […]

June 16, 2010 9 comments READ MORE →

How to Kick Ass at Your First Job out Of School

Srinivas Rao obsesses over riding waves and turning it all into life lessons at The Skool of Life. He’s also the host and co-founder BlogcastFM, a podcast for bloggers Two summers ago I was an MBA intern at Intuit’s Turbotax division and one of the department heads held an information session for new employees and […]

June 15, 2010 5 comments READ MORE →

The Flyers, my birthday, and where I’m going on vacation next week

Some know that I’m a pretty wild hockey nut, and and a die hard Philadelphia Flyers fan.  For the first time in 13 years, the Flyers made it to the Stanley Cup Finals this year, which was a bigger deal to me than I could ever explain in words. When I was 2 or 3 […]

June 11, 2010 5 comments READ MORE →

Get Social, Get Positive, Get a Job: Why Social Media NEEDS To Be Part Of Your Job Search (Special Contest Inside)

Editors Note: Today’s guest post is from Marian Schembari.  Read through the post and catch our contest details at the bottom! Marian specializes in social media for job hunters, sometimes gets paid to write and works with authors who want to build up their personal brand. She blogs over at and usually features posts […]

June 3, 2010 19 comments READ MORE →

Stupid Girl Loses Her Job Because of Facebook Status

Some people are stupid.  You know this, right?  I mean, all of us can think of a handful of dumb people in our lives.  So, this post isn’t a lecture.  It’s not a “don’t do this”, warning post.   What we have here today is simply you, me, and countless others laughing at someone’s stupid […]

June 1, 2010 1 comment READ MORE →

What Frustrates You Most About Job Seekers? Poll

Alright Job Seekers, you had your chance last week to vent your frustrations, but let’s hear from the other side! Today I’d like to hear what recruiters and hiring managers say if asked what frustrates them about job seekers.  I’m sure I didn’t capture everything, so if your answer is “other” then please do add […]

May 27, 2010 21 comments READ MORE →

Personal Branding, Twitter, and #LateNightCorn

I don’t write about personal brand here on COTJ too often, mainly because I believe building a brand is simply about being yourself. If building your brand isn’t fun, then my guess is it’s because you’re faking who you are. Shame on you. Know what you stand for, both on the business side and the […]

May 19, 2010 11 comments READ MORE →

What Frustrates You As A Job Seeker? It’s Poll Time!

Ok, so I haven’t ran a poll here in a while, and I think it’s time to start one up. A few job seekers have been ranting about their frustrations lately, and while we all have fun bitching and moaning about the job search process, we all hate one part of it more than others. […]

May 17, 2010 35 comments READ MORE →

New to the Corn Family: and

Yes, I did say ‘Corn Family’, and yes, I really did buy the domain names and  It did happen, it is very real. Why, Rich…why?  Let’s think about it. We all know that deep down, we wish that we were associated with a vegetable.  Don’t lie.  You know you sometimes wish that when […]

May 6, 2010 17 comments READ MORE →

Don’t tell me about your butt

The Story OK, so back when I worked as a technical recruiter, I used to interact with some pretty wild job seekers.  And by wild, I mean that some crazies told me way too much about their personal lives. I’ve had job seekers send me pictures of their newborn babies, their weddings, their vacations, and […]

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May 3, 2010 27 comments READ MORE →