Rich DeMatteo

The Pros And Cons Of Being A Doctor

Finding the perfect career path in 2020 can be more challenging than you think, and going into a whole new field after losing a job can be more than intimidating. Today we want to talk about one of the most revered and respected career paths in the world – a doctor.  Doctors are miracle workers, […]

November 6, 2020 READ MORE →

4 Practices That Can Make A Big Difference In Your Company

Growth is possible for both small and large businesses, but for all these growth miracles to happen to your company, you will have to work smart to achieve them. You will need to think both tactically and strategically. Whilst your strategic plan is more of a long-term vision, your tactical plan is the daily steps […]

October 12, 2020 READ MORE →

4 In-Demand Skills Employers Are Looking For

Image Source  Looking for a job can be extremely hard and time-consuming which is why it’s important to keep your spirits up while you try to find your new venture. One thing you should do when job-hunting is to list all of your qualities and skills, which can help narrow down the type of work […]

October 7, 2020 READ MORE →

How Upskilling Can Help You Get Your Next Job

The pandemic has upended the job market for millions of Americans. This is mainly due to the impacts of the lockdowns and the subsequent measures put in place by state and local governments to slow the spread of the virus. However, these decisions come with negative consequences as businesses large and small have been forced […]

October 5, 2020 READ MORE →

4 Tips for Keeping Your Spirits up While Jobhunting

Pixabay CC0 License There are plenty of upsides to making a change in your career, to stepping away from a company that you feel doesn’t represent your interests or that isn’t in line with your passions or values, and to re-entering the job market. But just because there are these benefits, that doesn’t mean that […]

September 28, 2020 READ MORE →

Why It’s Crucial To Do Your Research Before Applying For A Job

Whatever the position and wherever it is, you should do your best to get to know the business and the role way ahead of the time that you apply for it. Here, we’re going to look at what kind of research you should be doing during your job search and just why it’s so vital. […]

September 21, 2020 READ MORE →

Managing Drug And Alcohol Misuse In The Workplace

Employers have a legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees. You can better manage health and safety risks in the workplace by understanding the signs of drug and alcohol misuse. You should develop a policy to deal with drug and alcohol-related problems and be prepared to support your employees.  Image […]

September 21, 2020 READ MORE →

Improving Your Credit Profile as a Business Owner: A Guide

Improving Your Credit Profile as a Business Owner: A Guide When you’re setting out to make it as an entrepreneur, taking an idea and making it into a profitable reality, you need to ensure that you have the personal credentials to match your ambitions. This comes in the form of confidence, experience and knowledge – […]

September 16, 2020 READ MORE →

Mobile Phones: The Business To Be Involved In

Pixabay License Over 5.22 billion people have a mobile device in the world, so it is perhaps not surprising that many forward-thinking and innovative business companies and people are starting to develop their own mobile businesses. It is an industry that will never fade or deteriorate because cell phones are so vastly and regularly used […]

September 15, 2020 READ MORE →

Why Sports Isn’t a Waste of Time

It’s becoming increasingly common for people on the internet to criticize things that other people enjoy. It often starts with a long explanation of why they personally don’t watch or do a specific thing anymore, and then it ends up trying to explain why you also shouldn’t enjoy said thing. There are lots of examples […]

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September 11, 2020 READ MORE →