Rich DeMatteo

The NFL Draft: The Perfect Hiring Process

This is a guest post from Matt Charney, a former corporate recruiter turned social media manager.  He wants you to know that these opinions are his own, not his employer’s.  Find him on Twitter @mattcharney or connect with Matt There’s nothing like the NFL Draft, when the eyes of the nation tune in to […]

April 29, 2010 1 comment READ MORE →

Passion, Money, and Ben & Jerry’s

Phone calls with my boomer bud, Steve Levy, are becoming quite frequent.  When we spoke again yesterday, I walked away with some profound boomer advice, and a new take on my own career destination.  He let me in on a question that he asks folks who might need help  figuring out what they should be […]

April 28, 2010 47 comments READ MORE →

If Ke$ha made it, so can you

If you really want something, you should be willing to do almost anything to get it.  I mean, let’s take Ke$ha for example.  This whack job artist, wanted to break into the pop scene so bad that she broke into Prince’s home to leave him a demo.  Classy?  Maybe not, but classy isn’t really her […]

April 23, 2010 16 comments READ MORE →

Lessons from #truUSA: Steve Levy is my parents

Sarah White and I led a track at #truUSA on Generation Y.  In the unconference format, we talked about Generation Y and the similarities and/or differences between them and other generations.  Things were going just splendid.  The debate was hitting different parts of the room, from all levels of professional expertise.  Time was winding down, […]

April 22, 2010 26 comments READ MORE →

This Just In: I’m Annoyed by Twitter Starf*ckers

I’m not easily annoyed.  In fact, I’m known to be a calm, cool, and collected dude.  With that said, some Twitter users drive me absolutely insane, and Twitter Starfuckers are damn near the top of the list. Alright, so maybe you don’t know what it means to be a Twitter Starfucker.  Let’s look at a […]

April 12, 2010 28 comments READ MORE →

COTJ’s Awesome Starbucks Gift Card Contest Winners!

On Monday I announced a $20 Starbucks Gift Card Contest here on COTJ, in which you were asked to submit suggestions on ways I can take this blog to the next level.  The response was absolutely incredible, and created enough comments/submissions that I decided to hand out 3 additional Starbucks cards.  I’ve used a random […]

April 9, 2010 2 comments READ MORE →

Leave a comment, win a $20 Starbucks gift card

CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED AT THE BOTTOM Since last week I’ve been kind of in a give something awesome away mood.  And since I figure that most of you are raging coffee drinkers, a $20 Starbucks gift card is that awesome something.  So, how do you win?  Check the contest details below… COTJ’s Awesome $20 Starbucks […]

April 5, 2010 113 comments READ MORE →

The Resume Box

This is a guest post from Eric Leist, a Public Relations major in Boston University’s class of 2010. Eric blogs over at Meghan Biro’s firm Talent Culture and on his own blog,  You can also find him on Twitter @EricLeist. See this box? Get in it. It might be a little cramped in there. […]

April 2, 2010 15 comments READ MORE →

Questions for Corn: Explaining Twitter on Your Resume

On Thursday night, @HeatherHuhman and I were featured guests on #u30pro, a popular, and quite bad ass Twitter chat.  The co-moderators of #u30pro (@davidspinks, @CubanaLAF, & @SJhalestorm), brought us on to converse with folks about the nights topic, “negotiating a job offer”. While the chat was winding down, I announced that anyone with further questions […]

March 26, 2010 13 comments READ MORE →

Interview Horror Stories from #JobHuntChat

Last night, the sixth #JobHuntChat proved to be wildly successful.  From 10PM to 11PM ET, the amazing chatters assaulted Twitter with over 1,400 tweets, coming from 200 contributers.  While each week has been fun, last night has definitely set the bar for future chats, and I wanted to share responses from the most popular question […]

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March 23, 2010 29 comments READ MORE →