On Thursday night, @HeatherHuhman and I were featured guests on #u30pro, a popular, and quite bad ass Twitter chat. The co-moderators of #u30pro (@davidspinks, @CubanaLAF, & @SJhalestorm), brought us on to converse with folks about the nights topic, “negotiating a job offer”. While the chat was winding down, I announced that anyone with further questions […]
March 26, 2010
Last night, the sixth #JobHuntChat proved to be wildly successful. From 10PM to 11PM ET, the amazing chatters assaulted Twitter with over 1,400 tweets, coming from 200 contributers. While each week has been fun, last night has definitely set the bar for future chats, and I wanted to share responses from the most popular question […]
March 23, 2010