Rich DeMatteo

There’s More To Your Career Than Passion

I read Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, Crush It!, and I loved it.  I loved every ounce of that book, and I’m on board with Gary’s cry out to “cash in on your passion”.  But after having that word, passion, jack hammered into my brain, my eyes and ears became much more sensitive to the word, and it […]

March 18, 2010 63 comments READ MORE →

Matching Communications

AJ Kulatunga is a young entrepreneur who runs BLKMGK ICT a technology coaching firm and Dream,Build,Inspire,Lead! a project that aims to protect the dreams of cool young people all around the world and turn them into reality. After completing an IT Consulting degree in the middle of the dot com bust, AJ found it nearly […]

March 17, 2010 2 comments READ MORE →

Post #100 and The Best of COTJ

Today’s post is my 100th on COTJ, which calls for something a little special.   For this small milestone post, I am sharing with you the best of Corn On The Job.  I’m not sure these are the best, but they are certainly my favorite. Never Interview Like Will Ferrell in Step Brothers 5 Networking […]

March 16, 2010 13 comments READ MORE →

The 5 iPhone Apps That Every Job Seeker Needs

There are only 5 iPhone Apps needed for your job search.  That’s it, just 5. The list I’ve compiled below provides everything you need for your mobile job hunt.  This is it, I’ve created THE complete guide to iPhone job search apps!  Oh, and maybe the best thing I can report is that they are […]

March 5, 2010 32 comments READ MORE →

Reaching Your “Goals” With Video Resumes

Every once in a while, I see someone who is introducing innovation into their job hunt.  Yesterday I received a message on Twitter from Brian Mosely (@bmose14), asking me to review a new video he created for his job search.  His short, 3 minute video brings a unique approach to gaining exposure and ensuring his name […]

March 3, 2010 27 comments READ MORE →

The New Hire 20

Before heading into college, you were warned about the “Freshman 15”.  Excessive amounts of alcohol and drunk eating caused these new found pounds for most college students.  Just like in any drastic change of lifestyle, it takes it toll on the body.  Eventually, the body does adjust to changes, but not before a new figure […]

March 2, 2010 21 comments READ MORE →

The Employers Guide to College Career Fairs

In a post last week, I wrote a Students Guide for College Career Fairs, and compiled a list of action items that would ensure students have a competitive advantage over their peers when it comes to career fairs.  Somewhere in that piece, I mentioned that most employers are god awful at college recruiting, and especially […]

February 25, 2010 2 comments READ MORE →

The Students Guide to College Career Fairs

Most companies suck at college recruiting, specifically in finding talent at college career fairs.  The unorganized and unprepared companies are the reason why most college students regret attending a college job fair, or why they simply stay in and eat Ramen Noodles, watch “I am not the baby daddy” TV shows, study, drink beer, or […]

February 19, 2010 9 comments READ MORE →

#JobHuntChat Launch Recap

Last nights launch of #JobHuntChat was an incredible success, and I’d like to thank each and every participant.  Nicole, Jessica, and I had a great time co-moderating, chatting with you, and reading your brilliant responses. #JobHuntChat’s purpose is to make sure that you’ll Never Hunt Alone Again. Judging by the number of participants and responses last […]

February 16, 2010 9 comments READ MORE →

Coming soon to Twitter – #JobHuntChat

I’m happy to announce that #JobHuntChat is coming to Twitter!  The first, and quite possibly only Twitter chat focusing on the job search will launch its first chat on Monday, February, 15th at 10PM EST. I’ve been excited planning this chat, but now that the idea has come to life, the rest is up to […]

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February 11, 2010 18 comments READ MORE →