Rich DeMatteo

Do you dress up for phone interviews?

Last week, I went out for some drinks with a few of my cousins and we started talking about  the job search.   Somehow, the topic of dressing for success, while working from home was brought up in the conversation.  My older cousin, Steven, thinks that people should always dress like they are in the […]

February 9, 2010 54 comments READ MORE →

3 Things to Remember Before Asking For a Pay Hike

This guest post is contributed by Brenda Harris, who writes on the topic of executive mba programs. She can be reached at her email id: Some people do it timidly and with hesitation; others are brasher and more open about demanding it as their right; and yet others threaten to quit if they’re not […]

February 5, 2010 3 comments READ MORE →

Thoughts about starting out with a start-up

This is a guest post from Scott Hale.  Scott blogs over at Highway to Hale, a blog about community building and creative problem solving.  You can find Scott on Twitter @sjhalestorm and catch him as a Co-Moderator of the popular Twitter chat, #u30pro. Alluring Possibilities in Muddy Waters Let me start with my story. It’s […]

February 2, 2010 11 comments READ MORE →

My Cousin Interviews with Bill Boorman (video)

This is a guest post from Bill Boorman. Bill is an internationally recognized leader based in the UK with more than 27 years of industry experience. He is the Co-Founder of the #TRU Conferences, blogger at The Recruiting Unblog. and host of Ready For Liftoff, an international blog talk radio show. You can find Bill on Twitter @BillBoorman or […]

February 1, 2010 14 comments READ MORE →

Sorry, I probably won’t read your cover letter

Like many recruiters, I rarely read cover letters.  Most of us zoom right into the resume for a quick scan of the candidate and avoid the cover letter whenever possible.  Why should we read two different documents that are basically trying to say the same thing?  When we have 100 resumes to read, why read […]

January 27, 2010 67 comments READ MORE →

Home Run Interview, Right!?! Jose Canseco! (video)

Who said that funny, can’t also be informational?  Check out the hilarious interview video clip below and stop back after for my comments. What have we learned? DON’T get caught up in a magazine while waiting for them to start your interview DO dress well.  The guy totally dresses the part in this interview DON’T […]

January 22, 2010 15 comments READ MORE →

Your recruiter <3's you

Have a bit of interview anxiety?  Here’s a quick tip – your recruiter is pulling for you. While most places aren’t hiring in bulk like they used to, recruiting/staffing has been cut back, which doubles, or even triples the work load a recruiter has on their plate.  When someone calls about your resume, it’s because […]

January 20, 2010 1 comment READ MORE →

Corn Heads Community

Just about a month ago I added a new page to COTJ called “Corn Heads”, and if you ever ventured to that section you would have found yourself a nice little teaser.  After weeks of torture, I will now finally explain what the hell is going on, and how you can get involved… What is […]

January 18, 2010 18 comments READ MORE →

Are you and your co-workers ‘Perfect Strangers’?

Larry Appleton had just moved to Chicago for a more private life, away from his large family in Wisconsin.  Unfortunately for Larry, but fortunately for all of us, his distant cousin Balki Bartokomous drops in for a visit, which completely shatters the life Larry was seeking.  Even though the two are extremely different, Larry lets […]

January 12, 2010 35 comments READ MORE →

If you’ve got it, flaunt it

Welcome to my post about resume length.  If you came in from a search engine expecting pictures of busty women, well, I’m sorry to disappoint.  You can leave now if you wish, but stick around and you might learn a thing or two.  Oh, and if you actually are new to COTJ, please click here […]

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January 7, 2010 125 comments READ MORE →