Rich DeMatteo

Personally Bland to Personal Brand

Confession.  I know jack balls about personal branding.   I could research some popular top authors on branding like Dan Schawbel or Jacob Share but I’m doing just fine, no offense fellers. You see, in a relatively short period of time, I’ve gone from being personally bland, to having myself an increasingly growing personal brand.  The […]

December 4, 2009 14 comments READ MORE →

Santa is ballin’

Grubbing on some beef stew last night for dinner, I reached over and grabbed the ‘Jobs’ section from the local paper.  Each week they cover an ‘out of the box job’.  In this weeks edition, the job in discussion is Santa Clause, and just how jolly the seasonal job can be.   Stuffing my face […]

December 3, 2009 11 comments READ MORE →

You have an 8% chance of living, now what?

A buddy of mine recently returned to the great state of Pennsylvania after a two year adventure in Los Angeles.  He moved out to Hollywood land to chase his music and acting dreams, but Dave came back to PA to save up some money and decide if/when he’ll go back.  Dave is the exact definition of […]

November 30, 2009 9 comments READ MORE →

The worst thing they could’ve said was, “Nein”

Why are people terrified of rejection?  The level of fear and intensity of rejection depends on the situation and specific desirable outcome.  For instance, asking someone out on a date creates a greater fear of rejection than calling the video store to check if “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” is available for rental.  Silly comparison maybe, but […]

November 24, 2009 13 comments READ MORE →

Emergency on Interview Day. Really, how about growing a pair?

Since starting Corn On The Job I’ve read stories from job seekers trashing employers, recruiters, and hiring managers.  I’ve sat back and watched, and I have wrote about and agreed with comments regarding how long an interview process can take, the rudeness of a recruiter or manager, and also how completely idiotic certain interview questions […]

November 20, 2009 8 comments READ MORE →

The Importance of Networking for Interns

Last week I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers, Ryan Stephens, who wrote a piece called “How to be an Awesome Intern”.   My long ass response to his post suggested that networking is critical for the intern.  This long comment I shared with Ryan and his readers inspired me to turn […]

November 16, 2009 30 comments READ MORE →

…99 problems but a JOB ain’t one

I’m a lucky man.  The last 9 months have been extremely rewarding for me, and I’m damn proud of what I’ve accomplished while unemployed.  However, after reading more than a few unemployment horror stories from my Corn Heads, I admit that I do feel pretty guilty sharing my FUNemployed victories.   Since March I’ve been carrying […]

November 13, 2009 23 comments READ MORE →

How has Facebook changed the way you vacation?

When I was 12, my parents took my two siblings and I to Jamaica.  We stayed at an all-inclusive resort called Boscobel Beach, and I had one of the most memorable times from my childhood.  The place was beautiful and from what I remember, the food was much better than some of the recent all-inclusive […]

November 12, 2009 8 comments READ MORE →

Are you your careers worst enemy?

I have beef with Rod Stewart Today I found out that a lot can change in just one day.  Monday morning I could safely say that Rod Stewart and I were perfect buds.  However, after a few events yesterday, I’m not sure Rod and I are in ‘cahoots’ anymore.  While running a few errands on […]

November 10, 2009 8 comments READ MORE →

Unemployed and forgotten? Senate (finally) extends unemployment 14-20 weeks

In unison, millions of unemployed Americans let out a huge sigh of relief yesterday as Senate extended jobless benefits 14-20 weeks.  Many americans, however, share a feeling of frustration, believing that their country’s decision makers were worried more about devouring ‘lobster and steak’, than the well being of jobless workers.  Have millions of unemployed Americans […]

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November 5, 2009 7 comments READ MORE →