If there is one thing which can be said about today’s workforce, it would be that all jobs are becoming highly specialized. A great part of that is due to the rapid advances in technology. If you are planning your future and aren’t quite sure which field to enter, it might help to take a look at which careers are forecast to be in high demand. You do, after all, want to plan a career with a future. Here are 8 careers forecast to be in high demand from 2020 going forward.
1. Registered Nurses
There is no doubt that any career in the medical field is a good choice because of the severe shortage on a global level. A large part of the problem is the sheer number of Boomers who have reached senior years, and another reason is the ever-expanding population. Registered nurses will be needed, and those who go on to specializations will also be in great demand. They make a better than average salary with nursing being a career with job stability.
2. Nurse Practitioners
As mentioned, the shortage of medical professionals is at a crisis level, with doctors being in greatest need. Some analysts believe it is the high cost of medical school that discourages otherwise willing candidates, and others find that there simply aren’t enough medical schools to accommodate the number of doctors needed. As a result, there is a growing demand for nurse practitioners who can be autonomous in some states while in others they must work under a doctor. In either case, NPs can diagnose, prescribe medications, and do many of the very same tasks that doctors do at much less the cost and number of years training.
3. Computer Engineering
There isn’t any aspect of life that isn’t impacted in one way or another by computers. A degree in computer engineering will all but guarantee you the job of your choice at the company of your choice! In fact, if you really want to be a part of a growing industry, you might want to work toward an Electrical and Computer Engineering Master’s Degree. If you really wanted to assure yourself of a career with a solid future, an electrical and computer engineering masters degree from Kettering University specializing in autonomous vehicles and Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be the way to go. While some market analysts had forecast 2020 to be the year where the nation would see an influx of autonomous vehicles, there are a few issues which have yet to be overcome, such as predicting the behavior of pedestrians. If you really want to make your mark in an industry, this would be a great career to achieve that goal.
4. Biomedical Engineer
Another cutting-edge specialization in engineering is biomedical engineering. Like electrical and computer engineers, biomedical engineers are revolutionizing the medical field. They are heavily involved in research and development and are responsible for many of the medical devices which are on the market today but were once the stuff of science fiction! In fact, the electrical and computer engineers mentioned above are also involved in robotic limbs and you can even specialize in this within a master’s degree program online.
5. IT Security Analyst
Information technology impacts every aspect of our daily lives, but the one thing most people are aware of is just how many malware attacks keep popping up. From election polling places to dating sites, financial institutions and even NASA, hackers will find a way in if not stopped. An IT security analyst finds potential areas of concern so that computer systems are not vulnerable to attack. This is another job which is in high demand today and will continue to be so because of all the smart technology hitting the market.
6. Urban Agriculture Specialist
There is a growing concern in regard to the literal global population explosion. Today, farmlands are already unable to keep up with the demand for produce and so there is a focus on being able to urbanize agriculture. Along with smart cities, urbanized agriculture is a field in great demand. This field takes into consideration ways to actually grow produce in heavily populated areas. Some specialists develop rooftop gardens, hydro gardens and other ways to provide for the needs of the populace when farm production is at an all-time low.
7. Weather Control Engineer
With growing concern over global warming, the field of weather control is expanding exponentially. Are there ways to control the weather, and what can we do to stave off further effects of global warming? Weather control engineers are already in great demand but as conditions continue to worsen, this particular field will be in even greater demand. Imagine getting in on the ground floor of a scientific field that was literally unheard of just a generation or two ago!
8. Genetic Engineer
While there may be some ethical issues surrounding the whole notion of customized babies, that really isn’t the entire focus of a genetic engineer. This field also works on finding cures for so many diseases of genetic origin. Some of the most challenging diseases are genetic and this type of engineer would work in a laboratory setting. Perhaps they could find ways to slow the aging process so that people could live a better quality of life for longer periods of time.
By this point in time, you can probably see that any career in the sciences will be in high demand with engineering taking front and center stage. These are the experts who find solutions to many of the problems we face in the world in which we live. They devise innovative solutions to make life easier, healthier, and much more productive. If you are thinking of studying for a career with a future, engineering would be a good choice. You will find that most of the top paying careers are in the realm of engineering, and they are the most fulfilling as well.