I have beef with Rod Stewart
Today I found out that a lot can change in just one day. Monday morning I could safely say that Rod Stewart and I were perfect buds. However, after a few events yesterday, I’m not sure Rod and I are in ‘cahoots’ anymore. While running a few errands on Monday, Rod Stewart’s, “Some Guys Have All The Luck”, made an appearance on my XM radio. For some reason, the lyrics struck a pressure point in my HR brain, therefore Rod Stewart negative event #1 was born. This picture here is Rod Stewart negative event #2 from yesterday. Why Rod, why?
Here are the problem lyrics from, “Some Guys Have All The Luck”
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks
Some guys do nothing but complain
Sure, this song is about finding love, and obviously I don’t have a real problem with Mr. Stewart, but I do have a problem with the attitude of these lyrics. How many people do you know that focus most of their attention on other people, become jealous with what others have, and do nothing but complain about their own situation? More than a handful, right? Thought so. Well, these lyrics hit a specific pressure point for me in that many people come to me with an overall shitty attitude about their current job, their lack of a job, or even the attitudes they have about their career search. Also popular is for people to blame their own career misfortune on their coworkers, managers, or interviewers. Time for an attitude adjustment.
When something isn’t right, fix it and move on
Stop complaining. Build a positive attitude. Make yourself a priority. When it comes to your career, it truly is what you make of it. Complaining constantly about hating your job, your shitty boss, or your lack of a job makes everything much worse. Look for the positives in your situation, your skill set, or the opportunities that you can build for yourself. Creating a more positive outlook eventually leads to a positive situation. Here is some simple math:
A positive + A positive = A positive
Being around a negative person is an awful time. Negativity is like a mustard stain on a white shirt. Not only is it easy to notice, but it doesn’t look great in an interview. The second you start building positivity, the closer you are to feeling better about yourself and/or finding a better opportunity for your career.