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At times finding a new job can feel like a bit of a lottery and many people stay years in jobs they aren’t happy with simply because they don’t want to undertake the job-hunting process. But finding your next position needn’t be stressful and by following these simple steps you could be walking into a position you love come the new year.
Change your mindset
A negative mindset can translate across the entirety of the job-hunting process so it’s important to remain positive and remember that the job-hunting process is a two-way relationship. It’s just as important that you find a position that fulfils all of your needs as it is that your employer finds an employee that meets theirs. Try to think of the whole process positively, even through times when you may experience rejection, everything happens for a reason and being rejected from earlier opportunities may lead to you finding your dream role later down the line.
Polish your resume
Finding a new job means putting yourself, your skills and what makes you the best candidate for the job onto paper in the form of your resume. If you’ve been in a position for a while or have been out of work then you will likely need to update your resume so that it is an accurate representation of your current status. Try to keep your resume short, two one side of A4 ideally, and remember that the person in charge of recruitment will likely have to scan hundreds of resumes for each position, so be sure to address their key requirements and don’t be afraid to make your resume stand out with colour and graphics. Adding personalisation to your resume can work in your favour but too many irrelevant design elements can seem like style over substance, so ensure that the content is there first before jazzing it up.
Set up job alerts
Thanks to the invention of the internet, it is now easier than ever to be notified when a company you want to work for advertises a job role by signing up to job alerts. Job alerts help to take some of the search work out of the job-hunting process, saving you time and ensuring that you only see advertisements that are relevant to you.
Search in the right places
Although job alerts are useful, they shouldn’t be relied upon entirely to find you your next position and you will also want to be actively searching on relevant job boards. Searching on generic job boards can be hit and miss and they often serve quantity rather than quality, to ensure you put yourself in the best position to find your perfect job try searching on more niche job boards such as Practice Match which specialises in matching healthcare professionals to healthcare practices. By using job boards such as Practice Match you can ensure that you only see jobs relevant to your sector or industry and reduce the amount of time you spend filtering through irrelevant advertisements.