We all have that idea tucked away in the back of our head that there is that one perfect job or career choice out there for us. Once we have found that elusive role, then the rest of our lives will slide into place and things will get so much easier. But is this a practical notion or just ‘pie in the sky’ thinking? Read on to find out.
Yes – Find what you are good at
So in one way it is possible to find your dream job because it is always possible to identify what you are good at.
Some are lucky, and they get to find out what they are good at in school. But for others, they need to try a few different roles to see what they excel at. Don’t be afraid to keep trying things to find your personal strengths. Every job will tell you something about what things you are good and what you aren’t so great at.
Yes – Find what you enjoy
Another aspect of securing that dream job is to find something that you actually enjoy doing. It doesn’t happen that often that you are great at something but hate it, but it is a possibility, Especially if you have more than one strength.
For example, you might be a math whizz, but your real passion is hurtling down ski slopes, feeling the wind on your face. Then it might be better to enroll in one of the complete ski instructor courses on offer, rather than pursuing a math career. Why? Because the passion that you have for something will keep your motivation up even when things get tough, and they will.
In any job, there will be days where you don’t feel like it, or you get fed up. You need that passion to carry you through and out the other side.
No – Work is work, and you still have to do what you are told
Talking of bad days, it is important to remember that a dream job is still a job. That means there will still be work related things to deal with no matter what you end up doing. You’ll still have to deal with difficult people, demanding bosses, and days when you are tired or sick.
You may even have to decide whether payment or satisfaction is more important to you as the role you pick. As it might not be at the pay grade that you want.
Remember that even if it is the best job in the world, it doesn’t means it will be perfect every day.