Getting Into Grad School With A Low GPA

by Rich DeMatteo on November 17, 2021

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Graduate school is an excellent way to improve your job prospects and open up new opportunities. If you have just graduated college with excellent grades, you have the pick of the grad schools. But what if you didn’t do so well? 

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A lot of people find that they want to go to grad school to further their careers but they are concerned that they won’t get in. They might be returning to school later in life or maybe they just have a low GPA. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get into grad school. It will be tougher, but it is still possible if you get your application right. Here’s how you can get into grad school with a low GPA. 

Check The GPA Requirements

Before you give up on grad school, check the GPA requirements of some schools you want to attend. You might find that you meet the requirements of some, and in others, you may only be slightly below the threshold. When picking schools, have a few backups that you can definitely get into, a few that are a bit of a stretch but still possible, and one dream school that you want to take your chances with. 

Write An Amazing Essay

If you’re applying to grad school with a low GPA, then you need to write an excellent essay. This is your opportunity to show them that you are dedicated and you will work hard, even if your GPA is a little low. Before you start writing, check out some examples of gsb essays so you can see how applications to the top schools look. You need to put lots of work into your essay and give yourself enough time to draft it a few times so it’s perfect.

Look For Relevant Practical Experience In Your Field

Having some relevant practical experience in your field can help you make up for low grades in a lot of cases. If you plan to go into research, for example, then getting a job in a lab or doing some volunteer work can be helpful. If you haven’t been very academically successful in your field, then this is the time to compensate with practical experience that demonstrates dedication and initiative. Some people are less effective in the classroom even though they have the necessary skills in a real-world situation. Getting some work experience can help you demonstrate this. This is also a great option for people that are returning to education part way through their careers because they can focus on their relevant experience in the application.

Submit A Letter Of Explanation

If your GPA is close to or below the requirements of the school, but you have other qualities that are impressive, then submitting a letter of explanation can help. For example, if you took time off between college and starting grad school or you’ve had some health problems that affected your grades, then these might be worth mentioning in an application. The college will naturally assume that your poor grades are down to a lack of work or a lack of understanding. If there is another reason, you need to explain this to them.


Getting into grad school with a low GPA is hard, but it’s possible if you keep these tips in mind. 

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