As a new employee, one of your goals should be to grow and move to higher positions. A promotion comes with more benefits, bigger responsibilities, and more opportunities to learn, grow and serve. In some companies, you will get a promotion evaluation after working for a specified period, whereas others promote employees based on performance and other factors. The latter is the reason why some employees are able to work themselves up to a higher level within the first year of employment. This article highlights some of the steps you can take to get a promotion fast.
Work as If You Own the Company
For the entrepreneur, the goal is to ensure that the company is making profits, processes are running effectively, and costs are kept minimal. If you want to earn a promotion fast, approach your job as if you were the owner of the company and help the entrepreneur in meeting these goals. In addition to completing your tasks effectively, give your employer the suggestions on some ideas they can make to boost profits and lower cost. Do your best to motivate the other employees to do the same as well.
Re-evaluate Your Performance Standards
No one will give you a promotion if you are not meeting the current expectations. Therefore, go back to your contract and ensure you are performing as per the expectations of your employer. When you get an evaluation for your performance, take note of the areas where you fall below the standard. Talk with your boss about your performance and ask for suggestions on how to make improvements. Once you have identified your strong and weak points, come up with a plan on how you are going to work on each area.
Keep on Learning
While on the job, keep on learning to gain new knowledge and grow your skills. Gain skills that will help you relate better with others. For instance, if you are working towards becoming a manager, you need great communication and leadership skills. Thus, if you are not naturally a good communicator and leader, you can take time to build these skills. Also, you should look into the hard skills that can contribute to your promotion. For example, for a nurse eyeing a managerial position, taking an RN to MSN online program can make them a better candidate for the promotion. Higher positions come with greater technicalities and responsibilities, and this is why continual learning is a must. Finally, as you learn, don’t forget to look into industry and technology advancements.
Assist Others in Your Level
Many people are afraid of assisting others for the fear that they will rise faster than them. If you are not willing to assist others, then a promotion may not be for you. Assisting others proves that you are ready for a higher position and it also contributes to your growth as an employee. Therefore, if there is someone struggling in their role, don’t hesitate to give them a helping hand. Also, when you excel in a certain area, share the tips you have applied to get there with your colleagues. As you push others up, managers will see your potential and give you the promotion you desire.
Work on Becoming an Expert
Identifying some of the key processes in your current role and the role you are aspiring to rise up to, and working on being an expert in those areas, can also speed up your promotion. Find ways to be more effective, get to your managers and ask some questions, research and practice until you become a real asset in the organization you are working for. Working on your expertise not only makes you a better candidate for a promotion but it increases your chances of being retained by the company for the long term. Being an expert also gives you better grounds for negotiating for a pay rise. And if you decide to leave the organization, it will be easier to get a job elsewhere. Actually, some professionals become so good at what they do to the level that they are called in for jobs even without sending applications.
Stay Committed
At all times, ensure you stay committed to your role in helping the company achieve its goals. When you are committed to your responsibility towards the company, your performance will remain at peak, you will enjoy your job more, and your employers will be happy. Commitment requires a positive attitude towards your job, your employer and other employees. Also, you prove that you are a committed employee by completing your tasks as expected, obeying the workplace rules including when you arrive and leave, participating in work related activities, contributing to the growth of the company, and motivating others to play their roles well.
Get a Mentor
Another step you can take while working on a promotion is to get a mentor, preferably someone who holds a high position in the industry. Have someone who can give you tips and advice on how to grow, hold you accountable and help you work through your goals. There are five key things you should look at when hiring a mentor. One, when looking for a mentor, seek someone who has a goal and passion to mentor younger professionals in the industry. Also, note that some may have the will but not the time. Therefore, you need to check on that too.
Two, choose someone who is easy to talk to – someone you can talk to about anything including your biggest fears, struggles and weaknesses. Three, have an evaluation of their strengths and achievements. Check what they have achieved in their career and the soft skills they possess. Their strengths will tell you if this person can challenge you and push you up. Four, go for someone you can trust. Since you will be sharing a lot, find someone who can keep your secrets. Finally, look for someone who has a positive attitude towards their job. You can have more than one mentor if you like.
In addition to mentorship, you should also look into networking. Network with people you work with and also with others outside your organization. Networking gives you an opportunity to learn a lot, and you could also find opportunities through your networks. Therefore, don’t be the person who is only known by his or her department. Talk to people in other departments, and get to know them and their work. Also, sign up for networking events and meet people working in other organizations and even in different industries.
If you don’t get a promotion where you are currently, you may end up getting one from another company, thanks to your network. However, note that you shouldn’t create networks just for the sake of a promotion. You should take time to establish authentic relationships that will last for the long-term even if you don’t get an opportunity through them. Your network can still give you some new ideas, advice and support when you need help. Also, note that the relationship should be two way. You should also share and support others as they support you.
Ask Your Boss
When it seems like the promotion has been long overdue, schedule a meeting with your boss and talk to him or her about it. Before you go to your boss, learn the dos and don’ts of asking for a promotion. For instance, you shouldn’t give threats, compare your performance to that of others, exaggerate or lie, go to your boss without any solid facts, or try to get your boss to pity you. The better approach can be showing your boss how the company will benefit by promoting you, highlighting your strengths and contributions and what you can do to help meet the company’s goals.
Don’t be too general when making your presentations, highlight specifics, and where possible, give the numbers. However, note that going to your boss with a strong case does not guarantee a promotion. You request can be denied if your boss feels like you are not ready or when there is no vacant position. Therefore, expect a yes or no and don’t give up if you get the latter. If you get a no on the basis of performance and qualifications, work on yourself and try again later. Also, you can ask to volunteer or take up some roles in the position you are eyeing as you wait for your promotion. When you don’t get any success after a long time, you can consider seeking the position from a different company.
Promotions don’t come easy, but if you work the right way, you will get yours sooner than later. However, don’t be so focused on a promotion that you neglect to take care of yourself. It is okay to take extra chores and to keep on learning, but do it in moderation. Leave enough time to rest, spend with the people you love, and even to travel and see the world. Also, before you ask for a promotion, make sure you are ready for it and you know the tasks that await you ahead. Don’t ask for the sake of asking.