Looking for your first job? Thinking of a career change? You might be tempted to sign up for the first opportunity you get. Hold on a minute… Not all jobs are equal in terms of flexibility and enjoyment of work. Your job will take up a good portion of your life. You may wish you had taken some time to think the job through before signing on the dotted line. Particularly if it means quitting soon after being hired and having to explain that entry on your resume to potential employers.
Before signing away years of your working life, here are some aspects of your new job that you should consider.
1. Flexibility.
Will you be able to take a work-from-home day every now and then? Do they have a part-time or full-time option? Say a family member gets sick, or a personal emergency requires you to take a day off from work. Being able to do so without risk or fear of losing your job is important. Some companies allow you to set your own schedule, such as career opportunities through Vector Marketing. You may think you won’t need flexibility, but emergencies happen to everyone. No exceptions.
2. Coworkers, boss, and company environment.
A company’s culture is the environment you will be immersed in for as long as you work with that company. Is it one you can work with? Or is it one that makes you wish you could run from, screaming at the top of your lungs? Why does company culture and who you work with matter? People who are disengaged from work, who don’t care about the work involved, whether management or employees, will affect your work. Don’t allow coworkers to make your life miserable. Find out about this aspect of the company you are considering by reading reviews of company culture written by employees. Ask someone who works there what the atmosphere is like. Better to find out now than when you’re committed and it is harder to quit.
3. Advancement.
Is there a clear pathway to advancement? Companies that encourage advancement will have programs and steps in place that can help you reach new levels. If your goal is to reach the top of your career, then make sure to ask your interviewer about advancement opportunities and salary increases. You could also ask what kind of career path someone hired in your position can expect. This will give you an idea of what your future with the company could look like 5 to 10 years down the line, which is helpful when making job decisions.
4. Salary.
Even though this is last on the list, it is an important part of the equation. A job with great coworkers, a clear pathway to advancement, and flexibility all won’t mean much if the salary falls short of what you are aiming for. Research average salaries in your position and see how it compares to what you are being offered. If the salary is lower than what other companies are offering, is it because of other benefits, such as stock options or health insurance? Is there a clear salary increase on the horizon? Whatever you decide, make sure it is one that you feel comfortable with. Feeling underpaid will eventually lead you to look for other employment opportunities. So, even though it will likely take you longer, you may be better off looking for a job with a satisfactory salary right from the start.
Time pressure, finances, and the idea of the position being filled before you make up your mind. These aspects can cause you to feel panicky and make a less-than thought-through decision. Try to avoid getting caught up in those thoughts. Project 5 or 10 years down the road and ask yourself if you will be happy with where the job places you in the future.