If you ask job seekers what they’re most frustrated about, the most frequent answer is that they aren’t hearing back from employers after submitting a resume or application. Lately, many questions, problems, and frustrations from Corn on the Job readers has followed that trend. For this reason and others, I’ve decided to team up with someone on a new project called NineToAlive.com.
Our first objective with Nine to Alive is to make a free product (an eBook or a video course) that will focus solely on how to get more responses from resume/application submittals. Now, I don’t want to look like a dumb dumb for spending a ton of time on a free product that no one downloads, so we need to gauge your interest! If we have enough interest, we’ll start creating this free product and will send it on over when finished.
I’m very excited about what this product and Nine To Alive could become, and I know you’ll feel the same. I suggest stopping by NineToAlive.com and filling out the simple opt-in box. After doing so, you’ll be directed to a quick embedded survey so that we can start collecting some feed back.
Opting in now means you are guaranteed to not only be the first to know about this product, but to also get it for free! We will also be able to communicate to you quickly when we have updates on the product and it’s launch.
Alright Corn Heads, head on over to NineToAlive.com, and get ready for something very cool!