How To Stay Productive When It Feels Like The World Is Falling Down Around You

by Rich DeMatteo on September 12, 2021

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As women, we are responsible for so much more than we realise. There is a lot of weight on our shoulders at any time and we are expected to carry on regardless. If you have to balance a lot of things while you are dealing with less than exceptional circumstances, here are some ways to help you stay on track.
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 Tumisu from Pixabay 


Remember your goals

It can be tempting to throw your arms in the air and give up when it gets tough. However, remembering why you are working hard can make all the difference. The bad times might be the reason that you are trying to better yourself and create a new life for your family. Never forget that your goals are only in reach if you keep working towards them. Create a vision board to remind you of the life that you want to live and work towards this every day.

Seek inspiration

If you think that you will never reach your goals, sometimes you need to find some inspiration. Finding out what marketing job salaries are and how the newest entrepreneurs are creating their businesses can be enough to light the fire under them again. Have a look around and see how you can get inspired by the success. There are plenty of books and success stories that can help to boost your confidence.

Don’t let them get you down

There are a lot of people in this world who hate to see other people being successful. They will pick holes and try to put you down in any way they can. Do not listen to them. We know this is easier said than done, but do not let them get to you. Brush their remarks off and move on. They will always be bitter, you can be a sweetheart.

Keep your health in check

Our health can be at the bottom of our to-do list at the best of times. When things get rough, it can slip even further down the list. Always try to make time for your health. This might mean taking a break for a day or longer. Success can always be achieved but our health is something that you can lose and never get back again.

Make smaller goals

Sometimes our goals can seem so big, they appear to be impossible. If this is the case, we may need to scale down our goals. If your goal is to have a million-dollar turnover, you can scale it back to a few thousand. This way, the goal is easier to reach and you will be filled with enthusiasm. Start small, grow big. Taking smaller steps is one of the best ways to keep track of your success as you will be ticking off more goals and will have more feedback to ensure you are doing the right thing.

Say no

One of the worst things we can do is take on too much. We know that running our business will take hard work, and we have prepared ourselves for that. But what if our friends and family pour extra responsibilities on us? It could be expecting you to drop everything and run to help them. Or they think that their negative opinion about what you do is welcome. Whatever it is that they do to drain you, learn to say no. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be there for them if they need it, but dropping around for a coffee to complain about what happened on the family group chat with your cousin does not count.


It is only temporary

The bad times are bad if we let them be bad. There is a good chance that the work that you are doing is to ensure that the bad times can’t hang around forever. If you give up, they will stay for good. However, if you keep going, and remind yourself that your circumstances are only temporary, you can focus on moving forward. 

Avoid perfection

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you may need to leave perfection at the door. If you are training to be a brain surgeon, go ahead and skip this part because we need you to be as perfect as possible at what you do. However, for the artists and writers of the world, you should aim to be good but not perfect. Here is an example- an artist was being interviewed about his latest painting and was asked why he didn’t paint a door, what did it symbolise? He started cursing and announced he had forgotten to paint it, meanwhile, everyone else thought it was to do with being trapped in a certain reality.

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