The art of interviewing has long been compared to dating. And just like in dating, there are a great number of ways that one person can send the other person running in terror from the interview.
When it comes time for an individual to perform this dance, job seekers must remember that they are also conducting an interview. For them, it’s an evaluation of how happy they’ll be in the specific job and company.
Job seekers should be aware of these 7 examples below and if heard on an interview, pack your bags and run!
7 Warning Signs To Look For On Interviews
1. The Company Is Not Financially Stable: A clear cut sign that you need to stay away. You can probably guess that moral is down as well.
2. “Don’t Worry, We Hire Everyone”: Yes, this has been said before, and no, it’s not a reason to be excited. You want to work for a company that believes you’re the cream of the crop. You want to work where it’s a challenge to get in!
3. High Turnover: You don’t want to work for a company that has high turnover. It may be the nature of the beast for some industries, but it’s generally a bad sign.
4. Anything Too Personal: Someone on Twitter said that they’d never want to hear, “What does your wife look like”. Exactly! When a recruiter/interviewer gets a bit out of line, you can expect it’s like that throughout the organization.
5. Anything Negative About Your Supervisor: When you hear this, it’s time to excuse yourself and go to the “bathroom”. Hit the button for your automatic start and get the hell out.
6. “We already filled this position, but I want to interview you anyway”: This happened to my sister once and I know others that have been in this situation. It’s really disappointing, and really shameful on the company. If this happens, sit it out if you really feel strong about the company. If not, then leave.
7. “I really don’t like it here”: If they mention anything negative about their job, then it’s time to go.
Those were just some examples of warning signs that you need to run away from the company. What are some other examples?