Maybe you’ve been unemployed for a while. Maybe you’re a brand spanking new college grad (congrats by the way). Or maybe your current jobby is so painful that everyone around you feels the pain.
Let’s jump right in, shall we?
12. Stop Procrastinating
Applying to jobs is the suckiest, isn’t it? Only thing worse than that is staying miserable, so how about you do something about it.
11. Stop Being Negative
You probzzz have enough haters, so why not join your own team, eh? If you think you’re lame and not fit for the job, then why would the interviewer, recruiter ,and hiring manager think otherwise?
10. Stop Going to Sleep So Late/Early
This clearly depends on the kind of job you’re going for. Maybe the midnight to 8am shift is your jam. Whatever your jam happens to be, get on a sleep schedule that supports it and makes it easy for the company to reach you. AKA don’t be sleeping when they contact you.
9. Stop Applying to Everything
You’re not a fit for every job you see online. It’s much better to take your time and be smart about applying than it is to be an application whore. Don’t worry, sweetie, you’ll find love.
8. Stop Getting Upset About Rejection
Don’t get caught up on the job until you receive the offer. And if you don’t get the offer, then move on and find a new job. Sometimes you just can’t make the job be the one and you shouldn’t ever get too upset about rejection.
7. Stop “Perfecting” Your Resume
I got a resume. He’s got a resume. We’ve all got resumes!
Don’t spend too much time on it. Perfect your people skills. Perfect your networking. Perfect your elevator pitch. Being cool on paper only goes so far.
6. Stop Talking Too Much
The company wants you to talk. They want you to talk a lot. The problem is that you’ll gain a lot by listening, so listen. Ask them questions and then listen. It’s give and take. Practice it.
5. Stop Caring About How Much You Make
It’s important to an extent. Don’t let it cloud your job search too much. Don’t bring it up early in the process. Don’t bring it up until they bring it up.
4. Stop Calling/Contacting Them For Updates
Let them come to you. Persistence is cool. Crazy isn’t cool. If you’re the perfect candidate then you all know it and calling or not calling them won’t ruin it. It’s time to chill out if you receive no responses after 3 attempts.
3. Stop Looking Desperate
It’s a bad look and you’re not the exception. Don’t let them know that you NEED the job. Excitement is great, but desperation is a mood killer.
2. Stop Conducting a Messy Job Search
A bit of organization goes a long way, especially when applying to 20 jobs in 2 weeks. Create a method for you to keep names, dates, and anything else you need in place. The second you forget who you’ve applied to or when is the moment you’ve lost yourself in a black hole of job search shit.
1. Stop Winging It
You need a plan. It doesn’t have to be the grandest of all plans ever, but you do need one. Make sure you know exactly which kind of company you’d like to work for and why you’d be successful there. Make sure you prepare yourself fully. Map out days and times to dedicate ONLY to your job search. Stick to the schedule. Stick to the plan.
You got this.
Ready to discuss your job search plan? Click here to get started with Corn on the Job!