Liam Conduit is a HR Professional and has been writing industry related news and comment since 2006. Liam also has an interest in jobs, marketing and politics.
During the current economic doom and gloom, with an estimated 1 million young people unemployed, the age-old problem of finding is even harder. Here are some tips on how to land a job in hard times, from networking to resume writing; discover how to get the edge over the competition.
Know your Trade
First and foremost, decide what field you want to work in, the more specific the better. Too many people make the mistake of blasting out their application to as many jobs as possible in the hope that someone, somewhere, will get back to them. This is a flawed strategy and it’s not hard for a HR professional to see desperation and a careless strategy.
Sell Yourself
Secondly, make sure your resume and information is up to date and truly represents who you are and what you are capable of. If your resume is looking a little thin on the ground, consider doing some volunteering to fill it out. Volunteering demonstrates your motivation to work, and will show any recruitment consultant, human resources manager or potential employer that you can be responsible. Another great way to improve your communication is to take on part-time jobs, which will teach you the value of working and show employers your ability to commit to paid employment.
Remember to present your resume in a professional way; IT processed is definitely the way forward in this regard. If you are technologically savvy you can take this one step further and create yourself a website. This has the dual purpose of demonstrating your computer skills and showcasing yourself in a professional manner. Putting together a WordPress page is both simple and can be done for free. If you’re not sure how to go about it, ask someone or find a guide online.
Use Social Media Sites
Along with a website, you should make use of social media for your job search. Set up a Linkedin account and start making connections, you never know who might be thinking about hiring.
HR Software company CIPHR conducted some in depth research and discovered that a staggering 91% of employers use social networks when screening potential employers. 76% of screening is through Facebook, 53% through Twitter and 48% via LinkedIn. For an employer, you can understand the appeal of digging a bit deeper into the lives of those they are considering hiring. Note that during interview processes and over the time you are job-seeking, keep all your social media profiles clean and as employer friendly as possible!
Face to Face Networking
Once you’ve mastered the online arena, it’s time to head out into the real world and start networking. Here’s the key to networking; have something to offer. If your primary goal is to fulfil your job seeking needs, people will be far less willing to engage with.
Find out what business people are in and figure out how you can help them. If you’re a copywriter and meet someone launching a new company, offer to look over or write their copy for them. You won’t necessarily get any financial gain out of this, but the goodwill you’ll earn will be priceless. If you’re lost for ideas of where to network, simply attend industry conventions and conferences within your field.
Fully armed with a specific CV, social media profiles to match, and a host of new connections, you will be well placed to land the job of your choice. Follow these tips and tweak it around to fit your own personal strategy for the industry you’d like to work in.