Just wanted to pop in and share with you what I’ve been reading this week. Each of these blog posts are absolutely the hotness for your job search. Check out this quick reading list and make sure to follow them on Twitter as well.
As @PenelopeTrunk does so often, she writes about an incredibly personal story and then ties it into resume advice. Here is Resume Advice You Never Hear.
A new favorite site of mine, @GlassDoorDotCom, brings you 3 Ways To Uncover a Hidden Job.
@CollegeCandy checks in to help new grads cope financially with I Need More Money, Honey.
My friends at @Gulpfish have been writing a sweet Interview Preparation Blog Series. Here is Part 5 of their series, and it’s on Knowing your Resume.
The Under Cover Recruiter (@undercoverrec) discusses cover letters in 6 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Put On Your Cover Letter.
A long time favorite and friend of mine, @YouTern, writes 3 Simple Tips to a Successful Virtual Internship.
Lastly, I’m sharing a post from @TimsStrategy that discusses 10 Reasons Why People Get Fired.
That’s it for today’s reading list! Maybe I’ll start sharing more of these each week!