If your organization is like most non-profits, each year serves as a new opportunity to make the most of your mission and serve a greater number of people than ever before. As you consider the ways you can take your efforts to the next level, it’s important to consider the help you need to make this a reality. For many organizations, this help can be provided by a fundraising consultant. These skilled professionals can devise new strategies to help ensure a steady, constant stream of donations, transform donor engagement, and conduct applicable studies to further your mission.
Reason #1: A New Perspective
It’s easy to get wrapped up in past strategies—even if they’ve repeatedly failed to bring in donations. A fundraising consultant can help you pinpoint weak areas in your campaigns, and help you strategize new ways to use study findings to your organization’s advantage. Consultants bring new perspective and objectivity to an organization; these insights can complement the history of the organization. A set of fresh eyes can assess campaign challenges in new, unique ways—ways that your in-house team might not be able to.
Reason #2: Experience
Consultants typically have a wider breadth of expertise in campaign management. These individuals have typically served as a fundraising guide in an array of non-profit organizations, which gives them a better understanding of the needs of both campaign and staff. Every fundraising campaign will face its fair share of challenges, but an experienced consultant who’s been there before can help guide the team through a false start or the inevitable pitfalls you’ll face.
Reason #3: They Can Provide Invaluable Training
If your fundraising has been failing to meet projections, it might be that your non-profit team needs a quick crash course on securing donations. A fundraising consultant can provide training to educate staff and prepare them for events and campaigns. Their efforts can ensure every team member is performing to their full potential.
Reason #4: They Can Plan Fundraising Events
In order to make a lasting impression with donors, it’s important to plan memorable fundraising events. With the proper planning and care, these events may bring in huge donations for the company—what donor doesn’t like to bid on exclusive packages and attend elegant soirees? A professional consultant may help your team plan, market, and host a successful fundraising event to generate a hefty influx of donations.
How to Hire a Fundraising Consultant
With so many benefits to glean from this type of hire, what steps should you take to find the right person?
Step #1: Outline Your Project
To hire the right person for the job, it’s necessary to do a little bit of pre-planning. You’ll want to be able to explain what you believe your nonprofit needs to prospective consultants, and highlight the areas you’d like them to have proficiency in.
Step #2: Use Referrals
Instead of heading for a consulting company right off the bat, reach out to your network to get referrals. Peers that work in other nonprofits may have experience with consultants, and they may be able to direct you towards an agency that supports similar organizations.
Step #3: Be Thorough with Your Hiring Practices
As you interview candidates, following hiring best practices. Use panel interviews to better assess a prospective hire and take your time to find a consultant whose capabilities align with your vision. Ask yourself the following questions as you interview candidates:
- Do they recognize the potential of your project?
- In which areas do they believe they can support your nonprofit?
- Have they worked with similar nonprofits?
- Do they offer specialty services? How do those services align with your needs?
- Will they be capable of collaborating with your team?
It’s also important to invest in employment background screening; getting an idea of an applicant’s financial history is crucial, especially if your consultant will have access to the organization’s sensitive financial information and assets. Check with their provided references and be sure to discuss how they collaborated with a team and their management capabilities.
If you do decide to enlist the help of a professional fundraising consultant, consider your organization’s needs and do your research before making a hire. With the right professional in place, your organization stands to do more good than ever in 2018.