If I were to ask 10 job seekers what frustrates them the most about their search, my guess is that at least 9 of them would say not hearing back after submitting a resume. Am I wrong? Am I? I’m not. I’m very right.
During our little recession, recruiters and HR professionals were tossed from their jobs, leaving less manpower to handle recruiting and at least triple the amount of resumes they used to see. Honestly, as bad as I feel for job seekers, I feel worse for the one or two lonely recruiter’s that have 1,000 resumes to try to get to a week. It’s just a broken system and it sucks.
In order to cheer everyone up, I’ve come up with a list of 5 things you can do to make sure your resume is noticed. Keep in mind, this is mostly just for laughs, and while some of these might actually work, I really suggest thinking about it long and hard before applying these to your search.
Here they they are…enjoy!
5. Put 500 Copies Of Your Resume Around The Office Parking Lot
It’s obsessive, creepy, and definitely shows you have stalker like tendencies, but you’ll get noticed. Put your resume in an envelope with a note that makes sure folks know who to direct it to.
4. Use a Hideously Bright Color For Resume Paper
It’ll be hard to miss the fluorescent orange paper sitting on the corner of their desk. It’ll get noticed, but I can’t promise they won’t be annoyed by the headache it causes.
3. Organize a Flash Mob
Your recruiter or hiring manager is working hard in their office and it has been a long and terrible day. While checking to see how much longer they have to stay in the office, they hear coworkers screaming, “There is a flash mob outside!” Your recruiter runs outside with a smile on his or her face and heads out to see the ridiculous scene. At the end of the Flash Mob, each participants passes out YOUR resume to the event spectators. Your recruiter will absolutely get your resume and he/she won’t soon forget you.
I might have just been looking for a way to toss in a clip from Modern Family. Greatest show ever.
2. Send Your Resume With A Gift
People love chocolate. They also love those fruit baskets that are shaped like flowers. I once had a client send me “12 Days of Christmas”, and each day of Christmas they sent a different gift. The one day I received 2 dove chocolate squares. I was really wishing that Turtle Dove’s were on the 12th day of Christmas, because two chocolate squares was not nearly enough. Imagine if your resume came with a Godiva box of chocolates? Winner Winner Godiva Dinner!
1. Send Your Resume via Singing Telegram
How hilarious would this be? You send a singing telegram to the corporate recruiter or hiring manager. Make up your own “hire me” jingle and then have the person singing hand them your resume. Here’s an example of a birthday singing telegram, however, I don’t suggest the chicken suit…