On Thursday night, @HeatherHuhman and I were featured guests on #u30pro, a popular, and quite bad ass Twitter chat. The co-moderators of #u30pro (@davidspinks, @CubanaLAF, & @SJhalestorm), brought us on to converse with folks about the nights topic, “negotiating a job offer”.
While the chat was winding down, I announced that anyone with further questions should holler. Not long after sending that tweet, I received an @ message from Jessica Malnik (@jessicamalnik). Here is Jessica’s tweet/question.
After digging deeper into her question, Jessica stated that she was mostly looking to understand how to explain her use of Twitter on a resume. To answer her question, I immediately sent her two tweets back.
My first tweet stated that a new section of the resume should be created. This can simply be called “Microblogging on Twitter @jessicamalnik”. Underneath, include bullets or a paragraph to explain how you’ve used it to your advantage.
Don’t forget to include a link, directing them to your Twitter account.
In the second tweet, I went into specifics about what the paragraph should/could state. Explain exactly how you’ve used it. Has it been to gain knowledge, or to reach an influential person?
Include something that the employer will find of value to them.
Find out what will interest your specific industry, and look for ways you have, or can start doing those things yourself on Twitter. Pick out a few of your Twitter success stories, then drop those nifty stories on your resume.
Simply stating that you tweet doesn’t automatically guarantee they will check you out. Share one, or several of your Twitter accomplishments, and they will be much more inclined to see what you have been up to in the Twitterverse, and more importantly, why they should hire you.
Do you have a ‘Question for Corn?’ Send me an @ message on Twitter to @CornOnTheJob
Do you include Twitter on your resume? Yes/No? Why/Why not?