Jason Mollica is a public relations/social media marketing professional that recently branched out to assist clients in maximizing their online presence for better financial results. Jason was formerly the public relations manager at a strategic marketing and PR firm near Buffalo, New York, where he was responsible for educating clients on social media, strategic marketing plans, as well as media training. Prior to this, he worked at Niagara University in the Office of Communications and Public Relations. In addition, Jason has a rich background in traditional media. He worked for Fox News Channel in New York City, and was part of a team that helped to launch Fox News Radio. Jason blogs over at One Guy’s Journey and you can find him on Twitter @JasMollica
I recently read a blog post that said the resume is dead. Of course, I chuckled because I have yet to hear one human resources professional or hiring manager say this. Kevin W. Grossman, the author of the blog, answered why HE wants the resume to die:
Because it’s a self-serving piece of inconsistently formatted and fudged professional drivel that really doesn’t help me hire true quality of fit.
So, the resume should be dead then? WRONG. Your resume is incredibly important and will continue to be. That’s not saying you should not create an online portfolio, though. A resume is what helps to get you in the door. It’s not drivel.
The resume is something that is part of the entire hiring process. In my field, I look at the cover letter, then the resume. If the candidate gets past this, then I look at a digital (on iPad) or online portfolio. Just like you wouldn’t start a project without a plan, you aren’t going to bring a new hire in based simply on a resume.
Remember, the resume is NOT dead. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.