One of the toughest decisions you may face is whether or not to continue on your current career path. Everyone’s circumstances are different and just because your friends envy you for your career doesn’t mean you’re always going to be happy with it. However, it pays to think about what you really want before doing anything drastic. Here are some signs that it’s time to change careers.
You Dread Going in to Work
Everyone knows what it’s like to not feel like going to work. Few employees are as fired up to go to work as the owner of the business might be. However, this shouldn’t become a never-ending pattern that gets progressively worse. Ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to make your job more enjoyable. Is it your employer or the field you’re in? If you still enjoy the work, you might just need a new job. If it’s not your first job in the field and you disliked them all, it’s time to consider a new career.
You See No Future in Your Career
Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Is there anything to look forward to? Are there any promotions to strive for, salary increases or chances to relocate? Try looking ahead ten years. If there’s no upward mobility in your field, there’s no reason to continue down that road. You can’t expect to find fulfilment in a situation where there are no opportunities for growth.
Your Salary is Insufficient
No matter what field you’re in, you shouldn’t be struggling for any longer than it takes to get a promotion and a raise. You might even enjoy the type of work you’re doing, but if you’re unable to meet your financial obligations, you’ll need either a second job or a new career. If you’re passionate about what you do, a second job might suffice. Just make sure you’re not stuck in a dead-end comfort zone.
You Grumble Constantly About Work
Everyone knows someone who constantly grumbles about how terrible their job is. They tend to seek out other grumblers, often getting together after work to drown their sorrows, gossip about the boss and argue about who has it worse. You might even be that person, if your heart is no longer in it. You might be okay for awhile with a new job, but if the pattern repeats itself at every job you hold in that field, you might need a drastic change. Sometimes adventure is just what the doctor ordered!
You’ve Always Wanted a Different Career
What were your dreams as a child? Some children take an early interest in becoming firefighters, pilots or archaeologists. Although some of them do pursue those interests into adulthood, many more are discouraged from doing so, or even “pushed” into different careers by their families. If you’d like to try something rewarding with a bit more freedom, you might consider a career in real estate. For information on a real estate career, learn more here.
You’re Disinterested
Unfortunately, lack of interest in one’s chosen career is quite common. There’s no shortage of people who have pursued a career they expected to enjoy, only to find that reality differed from their expectations. First, make sure you’re not just bored with your daily routine. Ask your boss if you can take on more responsibility and possibly earn a raise. If that doesn’t work, it might be time for a change.
Your Health is Suffering
Your health should be your number one concern at all times. If you’re in poor health, you’re not much good to your family, friends and co-workers. Keep in mind that dissatisfaction with your career can ultimately send your health into a tailspin. If you lose sleep or suffer from chronic exhaustion, your immune system will become compromised and you’ll be more likely to get ill. Those unexplained aches and pains might be your body’s way of telling you that it’s time for a career change.
Remember that in some cases, changing careers may not be the best solution. If you’re suffering from depression, you might not be happy in any career until the real problem is resolved. Think carefully about the signs mentioned above and take note if your attitude toward work improves when you think about doing something different. If you brighten up at the mere thought of it, it might be time for you to change careers.
Isabel Parkes has developed a career in HR and likes to share her tips and suggestions online regarding issues such as reaching a career crossroads. Her ideas on career planning and other relevant topics can found on a number of relevant webs