There are only 5 iPhone Apps needed for your job search. That’s it, just 5.
The list I’ve compiled below provides everything you need for your mobile job hunt. This is it, I’ve created THE complete guide to iPhone job search apps! Oh, and maybe the best thing I can report is that they are all affordable. In fact, four of them are free, and one costs $.99.
Let’s jump right into the list, shall we?
1. Audio Job Interview Professional (free)
This iPhone app is genius and it is also my favorite. Pick and choose from a list of 40 questions creating a custom interview. After making your selections, a woman’s voice will ask you each question. When ready, you’ll hit the record button and begin answering each question individually. When satisfied with your answers, you can individually or batch send your interview to prospective employers. I suggest emailing yourself the link first, and then sending it out with your resumes as a nice supplement.
Not only does it provide a nice phone screen/interview practice tool, but this iPhone app also gives your submission a voice and personal touch. It could be exactly what you need to set yourself apart from your competition. Somehow, this thing is free – go get it!
2. Prospector ($.99) 
Applying to multiple jobs at once is confusing, this is where Prospector steps in. Each company you’ve applied to becomes a prospect, where you can manage and keep track of the job title, contact information (recruiter, hiring manager, etc), salary, step of the hiring process you’re currently in, upcoming appointments, and to do list items for that position/company.
The $.99 price tag is completely worth it if you’re applying to more than a few positions.
3. LinkedIn (free)
LinkedIn is the King Kong of professional networking websites and a MUST for job seekers. When meeting new people at networking events, interviews, or wherever, use the LinkedIn app to quickly add people to your network, before forgetting about them. The “In Person” feature instantly connects/adds other iPhone users to your network via blue tooth. I think that’s cat’s pajamas.
The more connections you have, the more opportunities will be presented to you. Do it, do it now!
4. BeamME (free)
BeamME sets you up with virtual business cards that can be sent out to any phone or computer. Create personal or business styled cards and send out as appropriate. Add a personal touch by including your headshot or customize with logo & theme. I am in love with the “History” feature, which allows you to check who you met, when you met them, and most importantly WHERE you met them! Oh, and can anyone say go green?
Lastly, for the Twitter crazies, just enter someone’s Twitter handle and your card will beam over via Direct Message. Cool, huh?
5. Job Compass (free)
Job Compass is a really nifty job search app. Simply type in WHAT you are looking for (Job title, keywords, or company), WHERE you are looking (City, State, or zip code) and HOW FAR (select from 5-100 mile radius) and Job Compass will place each of the matched jobs on a map for you to see. Click on red flags to check out each individual job, or hit the “List” feature to list out positions like you are used to seeing. You can apply directly from this app, email the posting to yourself or a friend, or just map it for later!
My suggestion? Take a stack of resumes and head out to the center of town. Let the app use your current location and select a 5 mile radius. When the results come up, go buck wild visiting every destination, handing off your resume to each flagged opening.
Notice that popular job search places like JobTonic, CareerBuilder, Indeed, and Craigslist weren’t included. What I love about the list above is that it covers you in basically every critical area of the job hunt. With these apps you have the ability to start your initial job search, manage your entire search process, practice interviewing, utilize an innovative screening toll that sets you apart from others, and network more effectively, all from your phone.
If you’re going to use those websites for your job search, then it should be done on a computer, just like in old times. A bigger screen and more visibility is needed, and for those reasons, I’ve also cut resume building apps from the list. Use your iPhone as a tool to help you in your hunt, but these apps should certainly not be your primary job search method.
Have you used any of these apps before?
Are there others you feel strongly about?
Any job seekers willing to take my Job Compass suggestion?