The Case for Automating Human Resources

by Rich DeMatteo on December 4, 2017 · 1 comment

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After surveying more than 10,000 business leaders and HR personnel, Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends report determined that things are not only changing in human resources, but they are changing “at an accelerating rate.” This means that if you don’t keep up with these changes in your company, you’re likely to get run over by the competition.

One way to do this is to automate as many HR processes as possible, an action which provides your company with a number of different benefits. Let’s talk about a few of them now.

Benefits of Human Resources Automation

One of the first major advantages of automation in this department is that all of your HR personnel will be handling a particular function the same way. This makes it easier if one of them is off as the others can easily step in and will know exactly what to do. It’s also nice for the rest of your staff as they’ll know better what to expect as well, regardless of which HR staff they approach.

Automating responsibilities also make that department more efficient. The auto industry is a good example of this. By creating automated processes for putting each individual part of the car, they can speed up the process because it is done the same way from the first car that comes off the line to the last. And the more you do something, the faster you get.

Another key benefit of human resource automation is the reduction of errors. For instance, one study published in Information Systems Research (ISR) involved assessing data taken from two different hospitals over a 3-year period. In this case, researchers found that automation of control systems was a major factor in reducing error rates.

This benefit alone is arguably most important when dealing with agencies and organizations that, like hospitals and other medical care facilities, are responsible for someone else’s lives. However, it’s also critical in other areas of business as well as errors in payroll can lower your bottom line and errors related to tax forms can get you in hot water with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

There’s also the benefit of giving your HR personnel more time to spend on personal relations issues with employees by taking away some of the functions they’ve traditionally handled manually. By making them more accessible to the rest of your staff, you’re more likely to catch any issues while they’re still in the infant stage.

So what can you do to enjoy these types of benefits? Fortunately, there are several ways to automate various human resources functions.

HR Automation Options

The first option involves purchasing software designed to handle the duties that HR personnel are generally responsible for performing. For instance, setting up a staff rostering software can help automate processes related to superdrol side effects creating employee schedules, filling open vacancies, and covering overtime shifts.

Untitled | HR automation tools are available on a widespread to help you automate the small nuisances of HR work

This type of software also enables HR to instantly communicate any scheduling changes to affected staff—even across multiple physical locations. This saves a lot of time in either typing up an email or verbally communicating the change. It also reduces the likelihood that sharing any schedule changes will be forgotten or overlooked.

Another way to automate HR deals with the hiring process. When you are bringing on new staff, your HR staff can spend hours going over each individual applicant, trying to pick the best ones to bring in for an interview. Or, they can do what one other business professional did, and that is automate various parts of the process.

Justin Brooke is the owner of IMScalable, a boutique ad agency for direct response businesses, and, in a post on HubSpot, Brooke shares that, after receiving an online application, his job prospects are automatically sent an email asking for a video sharing why they feel they are right for that role. This shows Brooke how they handle being thrown outside their comfort zone, whether they are able to sell themselves, and how well they know how to use technology, reducing the suitable candidate pool tremendously.

Automating your human resources department provides a number of benefits and there are many ways to do it so you enjoy all of them. Your entire staff will thank you when you do, as will the customers you serve because a well-oiled company is a compa

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