The Pros And Cons Of Being A Doctor

by Rich DeMatteo on November 6, 2020

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Finding the perfect career path in 2020 can be more challenging than you think, and going into a whole new field after losing a job can be more than intimidating. Today we want to talk about one of the most revered and respected career paths in the world – a doctor. 

Doctors are miracle workers, they spend their days saving lives and helping people all over the world. Becoming a doctor will easily be the most challenging thing you ever do, but it will also be the most rewarding. 

Today we want to take you through some of the biggest pros and cons of being a doctor, and how you can decide whether this is the right path for you to take in your career. 


The salary 

There are many pros of becoming a doctor however none are more apparent than being able to make lots of money. Let’s face it; the most important factor in choosing a career path will always be the money because we all want to provide for the ones we love and allow them to thrive. As a doctor you’ll have the ability to make a very healthy wage to provide you with a comfortable way of life. 

Job stability 

Everyone needs medical professionals and that will never change. The beauty of becoming a doctor is the fact that you’ll always have a level of job stability than others don’t. Where other jobs come and go in their demand, medical professionals will always be essential for our lives and this means you won’t run the risk of becoming obsolete. After the pandemic hit at the start of 2020 it became apparent which roles were essential and which were not, and it is safe to say that doctors will always have a solid place in our world. 

Plenty of learning 

If you are the kind of person who loves to learn, becoming a doctor is a great option for you. As a doctor you’ll never stop learning because scientists will continue to discover new diseases and learn more about the human body. From the moment you qualify, you’ll still benefit from keeping up to date with medical discoveries and the invention of new machines. Spend the years of your life learning and growing at every turn and benefit from that for decades. 

Choice of field 

When choosing to become a doctor it is important to realise that doctor is a blanket term used for many different professions. When you start to study medicine; you will soon be able to specialize in a number of different fields such as pediatrics, oncology, virology, or cardiology. Throughout the years of your career you may choose to divert your specialization and this means you’ll always be able to swap and change between things when you get bored or you are looking for a new challenge. 

Ability to grow 

As we mentioned above, over the years of a medical career you will have a lot of opportunities to grow and change, and this will allow you to continually enhance your skill set throughout the years. Grow your skills and build up the knowledge needed to step up in the field you work in and finally become the head of your field. 

It makes you proud 

One of the best parts of a medical career is the fact that you feel proud every day of your achievements. As a medical professional you’ll spend every day of your career helping those who are vulnerable, and this is something to be incredibly proud of. In terms of choosing a career that will make you feel happy and proud of yourself, a career as a doctor is the one. 

You make a difference 

Being in the medical profession allows you to make a real difference in the lives of many. Not only will you be able to answer the question of what is wrong with a patient, but you can care for them and treat them to allow them to live their lives to the fullest. Being a doctor allows you to change people’s lives and often even save a life. The feeling of pride and happiness from helping others makes it all more than worth it. 

You can live anywhere 

Don’t worry if you haven’t decided where you want to settle down in life yet, because as a doctor you can get yourself a job anywhere in the world. There are a lot of job roles which only apply in certain parts of the world such as office jobs or conservation, but every country of the world needs doctors and this means you have a lot of flexibility about where you work. If you decide throughout your life that you want to move around and change your lifestyle, you can simply find a job elsewhere! 

You could retire early 

One of the great things about being in a job which has a generous salary is that you have the chance to retire earlier than you might in other jobs. The beauty of having a high paying job is that if you are comfortable financially, there’s no reason why you can’t retire a few years earlier to enjoy your later years. 

Wear comfortable clothes 

There are many advantages to being a doctor rather than working in an office setting, and one of those is the clothes. As a doctor you’ll be able to wear comfortable scrubs from Uniform Advantage instead of wearing uncomfortable suits and dresses everyday in the office. These practical scrubs are loose, lightweight, and will keep you safe as well as sanitary. 


Of course when there are so many pros to becoming a doctor there have to be a few downsides to consider, and here are some of the less glamorous and appealing parts of being a doctor.

Long study time 

It is well known that studying medicine takes a heck of a long time, and there are years of your life spent in university or training in hospitals and this is a big commitment. If you aren’t ready to give years of your life in the pursuit of your career, being a doctor might not be the right choice for you just yet.

Tough hours 

Medicine is a study that takes a lot of dedication and time, but this is due to the importance of the job. People in need whether due to sudden injury or long term illness count on you every day to help them and treat their wounds. A lot of the time what this means is that you’ll be working 12-14 hour shifts just to keep up with the demand in the hospital and to keep people alive. Being a doctor is a taxing job, and many doctors have to sleep in the hospital for short bursts of time to try and stay alert for their patients. It can be a difficult thing and you need a thick skin to manage this. 

Lack of sleep 

As we mentioned above, many hospitals have a sleep room where on call doctors and other staff can grab an hour nap during their shift to try and stay alert. Of course, this sleep is often interrupted so your chances of rest are slim. Doctors also work nights and unsociable hours because sickness doesn’t sleep; so you need to be aware that becoming a doctor will also be a lifestyle for you throughout your career. 

High stress levels

From dying patients to crying families… Being a doctor is a stressful job. Most of the time you’ll be balancing the care of a few patients at once as well as ensuring that the families of patients understand what is happening to their loved ones. As a doctor you need to be able to work under pressure and be organised. Paperwork is a must and you need to know everything that is going on under your care at any one time. Be sure that you are the sort of person who thrives under pressure otherwise you might face real issues. 

You lose people 

It is a sad fact that you will likely lose more patients than you save as a doctor. When working in the medical field you are responsible for the lives of others – however sometimes circumstances cannot be controlled and you will lose patients through no fault of your own. You need to have a thick skin to be a doctor, and understand that you cannot possibly save everyone who comes through your door. It takes a resilient person to be a doctor and often doctors will go through counselling to help them cope with hard losses. 

Student debt is the worst 

Because of the intensive and long term study you do to become a doctor – you will accrue A LOT of student debt. To ensure that you don’t end up falling behind on payments, you need to be clever with budgeting and understand how to make the most of your salary. Luckily, you’ll make enough to cover your debt but be aware that it is a big sum of money. 

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