The impacts of Brexit on jobs in the UK is still uncertain, as immigrants have taken up millions of jobs in the service sector, and the government is planning to prevent visaless EU citizens from being able to live and work in the country from March 2019. As the government discusses its departure from the EU, a number of jobs could be changing if businesses choose Europe over the UK, thanks to the number of workers, and the greater trade opportunities that the EU offers.
However, some jobs that will remain safe, and even flourish, post-Brexit. For example, as businesses look to move out of the UK, industries which can facilitate businesses reestablishing themselves will be in high demand for companies to continue trading overseas. Here we will discuss some of the best jobs in the UK, post Brexit.
Translator jobs will be in higher demand post Brexit
As companies leave the UK, the opportunity for trading in other countries increases, so brands will need to be able to conduct business in other languages. Translators and interpreters will be able to help with this, and will have localised knowledge of each language, which could help with securing the best deals. Most translators will also have specialist knowledge in a chosen profession.
This demand is also likely to lead to an increase in people looking to enter the translation sector; industry experts London Translations note that becoming a translator does not need specialist experience, stating that “skilled individuals with entirely different qualifications, working histories and interests” are what make the sector so vital to begin with.
Translators may not necessarily need a qualification in their chosen language, as fluency in English and a localised knowledge and fluency of the second language is preferred. However, some translation projects require specialist knowledge, such as medical or legal translators, so qualifications as well as prior experience is invaluable.
British fishers can benefit from taking control over fishing areas
The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has dictated the locations of UK fishers for almost 50 years, which drastically affected the number of fish that could be caught. However, Michael Gove recently announced the UK will “take back control” of its territorial waters, up to the 200 nautical miles that is currently allowed by the CFP. This move will drastically increase the amount of fish caught by UK fishers.
According to figures from 2015, the UK fishing industry lands 708,000 tonnes of fish, worth roughly £775 million. About 10,000 tonnes of fish were caught by other countries under the London Convention, which allows other countries to fish between six and 12 miles of each other’s coastlines, which is worth an estimated £17 million. Having control over the fishing areas also allows the UK to practice more sustainable fishing for the future, which also benefits the environment.
British car manufacturers can be more profitable post Brexit
EU membership allowed manufacturers to be protected from tariff and nontariff barriers at a rate of around 20 percent. Without this protection, prices of manufacturers in the UK domestic market will fall by that same level, though this will increase competition and push productivity across the economy. Car manufacturers will also be able to access competitive worldwide supply chains without any tariff costs, making them more profitable than before. The UK will also be able to make business deals with countries around the world, rather than focus on the EU’s trade rules, allowing prices to become more competitive.
According to the Office for National Statistics, 9 percent of the UK’s QI 2017 employment is within the manufacturing industry. On top of this, 8 percent of employment in the manufacturing industry is high-tech manufacturing, consisting of the pharmaceutical and electronic segments. As the manufacturing industry approaches its fourth industrial revolution, the UK is left in a competitive position in the face of an accelerated growth rate due to new technology.